2012年3月15日 星期四

hyperrealist artist Paul Cadden, PENCIL 鉛筆

Paul Cadden: The hyperrealist artist recreating photographs with pencil | Mail Online

Photos or Paintings?.....Once more....these are Paintings!!!!!!!....using Graphite and Chalk ~ Color City - Weird Weird , Strange and even Odd http://color-city.blogspot.com/2011/11/photos-or-paintingsonce-morethese-are.html 
Paul Cadden: Hyperrealism - Photo Realistic Drawing and Painting — Daily Art Fixx - Art Blog: Modern Art, Art History, Painting, Illustration, Photography, Sculpture http://www.dailyartfixx.com/2011/08/16/paul-cadden-hyperrealism/ 

paul cadden.com - Hyperrealism

