2012年6月24日 星期日

Afghanistan , 2012. 阿富汗

Ahmad Jamshid / AP
Anja Niedringhaus / AP
Bay Ismoyo / AFP - Getty Images
Aref Karimi / AFP - Getty Images
Qais Usyan / AFP - Getty Images
Johannes Eisele / AFP - Getty Images
Anja Niedringhaus / AP
Andrea Bruce / The New York Times via Redux Pictures
Qais Usyan / AFP - Getty Images
Johannes Eisele / AFP - Getty Images
Massoud Hossaini / AFP - Getty Images
Musadeq Sadeq / AP
Afghanistan: Nation at a crossroads - Slideshows and Picture Stories - msnbc.com http://msnbc.msn.com/id/34923291/displaymode/1247/?wbSlideShowId=34923291&wbSection=news
A. Majeed / AFP - Getty Images
Afghan refugees wait to return home from Pakistan - PhotoBlog http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/19/12304232-afghan-refugees-wait-to-return-home-from-pakistan?lite
June 20, 2012 « Day in Photos http://blogs.voanews.com/photos/2012/06/20/june-20-2012/
 (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 07.22 – 07.28 2012 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2012/potw/pictures-of-the-week-07-22-07-28-2012/
Afghanistan: October 2012. 阿富汗:2012年10月
(Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images) #
 in Kabul, on October 18, 2012. (Reuters/Mohammad Ismail) #
in Samangan province. (AP Photo/Axel Heimken)
(Massoud Hossaini/AFP/Getty Images) #
 (Qais Usyan/AFP/Getty Images) #
 (AP Photo/ MoD) #
 on October 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Axel Heimken) #
(Reuters/Erik De Castro) #
October 6, 2012. (Roberto Schmidt/AFP/GettyImages) #
(Reuters/Kieran Doherty)
October 28, 2012. (Noorullah Shirzada/AFP/Getty Images) #
 on October 29, 2012. (Reuters/Goran Tomasevic) #
(AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus) #
(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Afghanistan: October 2012 - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/11/afghanistan-october-2012/100398/

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