2013年5月13日 星期一

Objects thrown into the air, Spilling things into art. 物體拋向空中, 溢出的東西成為藝術.

Belgium-based photographer Manon Wethly

Photographer Captures High Speed Photos Of Beverages In Mid-Air - DesignTAXI.com http://designtaxi.com/news/357449/Photographer-Captures-High-Speed-Photos-Of-Beverages-In-Mid-Air/
High speed spills: Photographer captures everyday objects flying through the air to create colourful pieces of art | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2323779/High-speed-spills-Photographer-captures-everyday-objects-flying-air-create-colourful-pieces-art.html
Junkculture: High Speed Photographs of Liquids Captured in Midair http://www.junk-culture.com/2013/04/high-speed-photographs-of-liquids.html

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