2014年6月14日 星期六

George H.W. Bush, 布希

41st President of the United States
George Bush served in the Navy from June 1942 to September 1945, rising to the rank of lieutenant. (CORBIS)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Photo: Newscom
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14 Fun Facts About Bush Sr. (Besides His Crazy Socks)
George H.W. Bush with his son George W. Bush and wife, Barbara, in Rye, N.Y. (CORBIS)
George and Barbara Bush on the night of his 1966 election to the House of Representatives for Texas' 7th Congressional District in Houston. (CORBIS)
President George Bush raises his right hand as he is sworn into office as the 41st president of the United States by Chief Justice William Rehnquist outside the Capitol on Jan. 20, 1989. First lady Barbara Bush holds the Bible for her husband. Former President Reagan is in the background. (Bob Daugherty/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
George Herbert Walker Bush is pictured when he was one and a half year old. Born 12 June 1924 in Milton, Massachussetts, George Bush yale graduated with a degree in Economics in 1948, made a fortune drilling oil before entering politics in 1964. (FILM) (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP/Getty Images)
George Herbert Walker Bush is pictured with his sister Mercy in 1929. Born 12 June 1924 in Milton, Massachussetts, George Bush Yale graduated with a degree in Economics in 1948, made a fortune drilling oil before entering politics in 1964. US Congressman from Texas (1966-1970), ambassador to the United nations (1971-1974), Special Envoy to China (1974-1975), Republican National Chairman (1975-1976), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director (1976-1977), vice president of the US (1981-1959) George Bush is eventually elected president of the US 08 November 1988 against Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis. AFP PHOTO/WHITE HOUSE (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP/Getty Images)
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Photos: George H. W. Bush through the years | www.statesman.com
George Bush as a young boy. (CORBIS)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
George H.W. Bush at 13 years old on July 13, 1937. (Corbis)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
George Bush at summer camp in 1939. (AP)
George Bush at Andover in 1941, Philips Academy yearbook, Andover, Mass. (CORBIS)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
A portrait of an adolescent George H.W. Bush and a teammate in their baseball uniforms. Bush was the captain of the baseball team at Phillips Academy, where he attended from 1937 to 1942. (Corbis)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
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George H.W. Bush - Presidents of the USA at Play - ESPN
George H. Bush, Naval Aviator Cadet, is seen in early 1943.
Photo: George Bush Presidential Library/MCT
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George H.W. Bush: Old school president top in “Class” | Photographers' Blog
See 16 fun photos of President George H.W. Bush in honor of his 90th birthday | Dallas Morning News
Navy pilot George Bush sits in a VT-51 Avenger in 1944. (Photo: George Bush Presidential Library/MCT)
Bush as a United States Navy pilot seated in the cockpit of an Avenger. (Photo: White House via CNP/ABACAUSA.COM)
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14 Fun Facts About Bush Sr. (Besides His Crazy Socks)
U.S. Navy pilot George Bush sits in the cockpit of his torpedo bomber "Barbara III," named after his girlfriend and future wife, Barbara Pierce, in 1944. (CORBIS)
U.S. Navy pilot George H.W. Bush sits in the cockpit of his torpedo bomber "Barbara III", named after his girlfriend and future wife Barara Pierce. Bush was in the navy from 1943-1945. (Corbis)
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George H.W. Bush Turns 90 | TIME  http://time.com/2854415/george-h-w-bush-turns-90/
George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Downed pilot George Bush is rescued by the Navy submarine, USS Finback.  9/2/44.
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Our Presidents • Downed pilot George Bush is rescued by the Navy...
Navy Lt. George Bush and Barbara Pierce get married in the First Presbyterian Church in Rye, N.Y., on Jan. 6, 1945. (CORBIS)
Future President George H.W. Bush holds his infant son George W. Bush. (CORBIS)
George Bush Sr. holds a young George W. in New Haven, CT. April 1947. George W. Bush is currently campaigning for the Republican party for the presidential election in November 2000. (Photo by Newsmakers)
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Photos: George H. W. Bush through the years | www.statesman.com
George H.W. Bush raises his arms in victory after winning an election against oilman Jack Cox for Texas Senate on June 7, 1964 in Houston, Texas. (Bettmann—Corbis)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
Michael Ochs Archives
UNSPECIFIED - CIRCA 1970: Photo of George Bush Sr. Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
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Photos: George H. W. Bush through the years | www.statesman.com
Leonard McCombe—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
American ambassador to the United Nations and future president George Bush with his family, including Barbara Bush, 1971.
George Bush appears on "Face the Nation" in Washington on Sept. 14, 1973. (CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
George Bush as United States Liaison to China; 1974-1975
File:George Bush as United States Liaison to China, 1974-1975 - NARA - 186378.tif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Herbert Walker Bush poses with his wife Barbara in Beijing in 1974. Born 12 June 1924 in Milton, Massachussetts, George Bush Yale graduated with a degree in Economics in 1948, made a fortune drilling oil before entering politics in 1964. US Congressman from Texas (1966-1970), ambassador to the United nations (1971-1974), Special Envoy to China (1974-1975), Republican National Chairman (1975-1976), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director (1976-1977), vice president of the US (1981-1959) George Bush is eventually elected president of the US 08 November 1988 against Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis. AFP PHOTO/WHITE HOUSE (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
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Photos: George H. W. Bush through the years | www.statesman.com
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George H.W. Bush: Old school president top in “Class” | Photographers' Blog
老布什的中国情缘 爱在北京街头骑自行车(图1)[图集] - 互动中国
December 01, 1975. President Gerald Ford with  China’s Communist leader Deng Xiaoping in Beijing. George Herbert Walker Bush who later became CIA’s Director on January 30, 1976 is also seen in this photo. Both President Ford and George Bush were fully aware of America’s partnership with India, and Tibet to fight the military threat posed by Communism.
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WHOLE DUDE – WHOLE SIN | Bhavanajagat
2 December 1975
David Hume Kennerly Link back to Creator infobox template wikidata:Q2612206
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File:Deng Xiaoping, George HW Bush, and Gerald Ford, 1975 A7620-15A.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
U.S. Chief of Mission George Bush greets family members of the U.S. Liaison Mission on Dec. 7, 1975, in the lounge at Peking International Airport in Beijing as he is about the depart for Washington, where he has been nominated to head the Central Intelligence Agency. (AP)
Margaret Thatcher, leader of the British Conservative Party, with George Bush on Sept. 9, 1977, in Houston, prior to her dinner address before the English-Speaking Union. Bush introduced her to the guests. (Ed Kolenovsky/AP)
Republican candidate for President Ronald Reagan, left, and his running mate, George Bush, answer questions during a press conference on July 26, 1980. (Wally Fong/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Republican Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush campaigning for the presidential primary elections in 1980. (Dirck Halstead—Getty Images)
GOP Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan locks hands with running mate George H.W. Bush and Senate Minority Leader Howard Baker during a rally with members of congress at the Capitol in Washington on Sept. 15, 1980. (Ron Edmonds—Betterman/Corbis)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
11/04/1980 - (L-R) Barbara Bush leads her mother-in-law, Dorothy Walker Bush, and husband, GOP Vice Presidential candidate George Herbert Walker Bush. through a hallway at the Houston Oaks Hotel in Houston. The Bushes gathered with familly and supporters at the hotel to await the 1980 presidential election results. By the end of the evening family and supporters celebrated his election as the next Vice President of the United States. Jerry Click / Houston Post
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Ex-President George H.W. Bush in ICU - Times Union
Vice President George Bush and second lady Barbara Bush during the first inauguration of President Ronald Reagan on Jan. 20, 1981, in Washington. (NBC News/Getty Images)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Vice president George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara relax in bed as their daughter and grandchildren join them at home in Kennebunkport, Maine in 1987. (CNP/Getty Images)
President elect George H.W. Bush casting a fishing rod with surf splashing around him on January 1, 1988. (Allen Eyestone—Time &; Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
Waves splash President-elect George Bush as he casts a line while surf fishing in Gulf Stream, Fla., Nov. 12, 1988, shortly after winning the 1988 presidential election. (Kathy Willens/AP)
President-elect George Bush points out the sights for Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (right) on the viewing stand overlooking New York Harbor from Governors Island, Dec. 8, 1988, as President Ronald Reagan looks on. (Boris Yurchenko/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
President George H.W. Bush on a working
visit to China in February 1989.
Moments in China-U.S. Relations  http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/c/t480886.htm
THe CoOL PHoTo CoMPeNDiUM: Iconic Photographs
In this Saturday, Feb. 25, 1989, file photo, China's Premier Li Pang, left, watches U.S. President George H.W. Bush, try out one of two new "Flying Pigeon" bikes presented by Pang, left, for the President and the First Lady in Beijing.
Photo: Doug Mills/AP
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See 16 fun photos of President George H.W. Bush in honor of his 90th birthday | Dallas Morning News
GOP Chairman Lee Atwater and President George H.W. Bush playing guitar during the inaugural weekend bash on 1989. (Joe Mcneely—SIPA USA)
President H.W. Bush on the White House lawn with three of 1st dog Millie's puppies nestling under his arm on May 4, 1989. (Susan Biddle—Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
President George Bush casts into the surf at the mouth of the Mousam River in Kennebunk, Maine, on Sept. 25, 1989. (Doug Mills/AP)
President George Bush (right) and first lady Barbara Bush escort British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband, Denis Thatcher, to the first meeting of the Economic Summit at Rice University on July 9, 1990, in Houston. (Koji Sasahara/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
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File:Bush troops.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush poised above a crowd of First Marine Division Desert Command Post marines on thanksgiving during the Gulf Crisis on November 22, 1990. (Diana Walker—Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
President George H.W. Bush on the phone with State Secretary Jim Baker during the gulf crisis, with White House Chief of Staff John Sununu & National Security Council Adviser Brent Scowcroft, at the White House in Washington on January 16, 1991. (David Valdez—Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
Queen Elizabeth ll with President George Bush on the White House lawn on May 14, 1991. (Anwar Hussein)
President George Bush in the Oval Office on Jan. 16, 1991, following his statement concerning the U.S. attack of Iraq. The president said "the world could wait no longer" for the U.S. action. (Doug Mills/AP)
President George Bush talks to reporters in the Rose Garden of the White House on Feb. 12, 1991, after meeting with advisers to discuss the Persian Gulf War. From left, are, Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, Vice President Dan Quayle, White House chief of staff John Sununu, Bush, Secretary of State James Baker and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Colin Powell. (Dennis Cook/AP)
President George Bush and Barbara Bush accompany Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, across the South Lawn of the White House. The queen was in Washington for a nine-day state visit. (Doug Mills/AP)
President George Bush checks his watch during the joint news conference with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at Lancaster House in London on July 17, 1991. Gorbachev told world leaders that his moves toward democracy and a market economy are irreversible, and he asked for supprt to make the transition work. (Dennis Cook/AP)
U.S. President George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev shake hands as they meet in the garden of Winfield House in London on July 17, 1991. Gorbachev is in London to address leaders attending the G-7 Summit. At center is an unidentified interpreter. (Greg Gibson/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Presidents George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev shake hands at the end of a press conference about the peace summit in Moscow on July 31, 1991. (Peter Turnley—Corbis)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
President George Bush (left) walks with former Presidents Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon in the courtyard of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Nov. 4, 1991, in Simi Valley, Calif. (Marcy Nighswander/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
President George H.W. Bush addressing a crowd at a campaign rally on September 29, 1992. (Diana Walker—Time Life Pictures/Getty Image)
President George H.W. Bush taking a last look around the Oval Office with his dog Ranger, before vacating the White House to incoming president Bill Clinton in Washington on January 2, 1993. (David Valdez—Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
 A young George W. Bush is welcomed into a Houston unit of the Texas Air National Guard in 1968 by his father, then-Congressman George Bush, a former Navy pilot. HOUCHRON CAPTION (07/04/1999)
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Ex-President George H.W. Bush in ICU - Times Union
Former President George Bush throttles up an inflatable hull boat as he takes two of his grandchildern for a ride near his Walker's Point summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine, on June 13, 1999. His son, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, is visiting his parents before beginning a two day exploratory campaign swing in New Hampshire. A member of Bush's security detail stands at left. (Stephan Savoia/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush awaits the election results with his parents, George H.W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush on November 7, 2000 in Austin, Texas, (Brooks Kraft—Sygma/Corbis)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
Former President George Bush and Chinese President Jiang Zemin share a laugh during a dinner in Houston, Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002. Jiang's visit to Houston is part of a four-day U.S. trip that will culminate in a Friday meeting with President Bush at his ranch in Crawford. (DAVID J PHILLIP, AP)
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Ex-President George H.W. Bush in ICU - Times Union
Former President George H.W. Bush (left), first lady Laura Bush, President George W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush wave to reporters outside St. John's Church in Washington, Dec. 7, 2003. (Evan Vucci/AP)
Former President George H. W. Bush (right) and his son President George W. Bush wave as they fish off Boon Island near Kennebunkport, Maine, on Aug. 8, 2004. With them is the president's daughter Jenna. (Stephan Savoia/AP)
Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush (right) shows a medal on the 60th anniversary of victory in World War II, which he just received from Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on May 23, 2005. Bush was a 20-year-old Navy pilot fighting over the Pacific during World War II. (Sergei Grits/AP)
Former President George H.W. Bush pays his respects to Saudi King Abdullah on Aug. 5, 2005, after the death of Abdullah's half brother, the former king. (AP/Saudi Press Agency)
From left: first lady Laura Bush, President George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, former first lady Barbara Bush, former President George H.W. Bush and Prince Philip pose for photographs before the start of a dinner at the British Embassy on May 8, 2007, in Washington. (Evan Vucci/AP)
White House photo by Eric Draper
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File:George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush with Hu Jintao.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Former President George H. W. Bush introduces his granddaughter, Ms. Barbara Bush, to China's President Hu Jintao Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008, following their visit to Zhongnanhai, the Chinese leaders compound in Beijing. White House photo by Eric Draper
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White House photo by Eric Draper
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, wave to friends in the crowd during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., on Sept. 2, 2008. (Jae C. Hong/AP)
President-elect Barack Obama is welcomed by President George W. Bush for a meeting at the White House on Jan. 7, 2009, with former presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush kisses his wife, Barbara, after both were shown on the stadium kiss cam video board during a baseball game between the Houston Astros and the Arizona Diamondbacks on May 5, 2010, in Houston. (David J. Phillip/AP)
As President Barack Obama applauds at left, former first lady Barbara Bush and former President George W. Bush help former President George H.W. Bush stand to acknowledge a standing ovation during the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Center on April 25, 2013, in Dallas. (David J. Phillip/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush (4th L) is helped to stand up to acknowledge the crowd by his wife, former first lady Barbara Bush (3rd L), and his son, former President George W. Bush (5th L), as first lady Michelle Obama (L); President Barack Obama (2nd L), and former first lady Laura Bush (R) look on after his remarks during the opening ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Center April 25, 2013 in Dallas, Texas. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
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Getty Images: George W. Bush Library Dedication Attended By President Obama And Former Presidents
Republican presidential candidate George H.W. Bush waving above a crowd amid shower of parade confetti, with wife Barbara by his side at a send-off gala for the US Olympic team. (Cynthia Johnson—Time Life Pictures/Getty Image)
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WATCH: George H.W. Bush Went Skydiving to Celebrate His 90th Birthday | TIME
Ronald Reagan & George H. W. Bush on the cover of Time magazine in 1984. (Photo: Cliff via Flickr/Republican Encore/Dirck Halstead)
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14 Fun Facts About Bush Sr. (Besides His Crazy Socks)
Bush jumps with the United States Army Golden Knights Parachute Team at the Bush Presidential Library near Houston, Texas on June 13, 2004 to celebrate his his 80th birthday. His jump was witnessed by 4,000 people including Actor and martial-arts expert Chuck Norris and Fox News Washington commentator Brit Hume. Both also participated in celebrity tandem jumps as part of the event. Bush made the jump harnessed to Staff Sergeant Bryan Schell of the Golden Knights. Bush was reportedly contemplating a free-fall jump, but officials said the wind conditions and low cloud cover made it too risky. Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was also on site. He was reportedly invited by Bush to join the jump, but said he had never parachuted and was too old to start. (Photo: Photo by US Army via CNP/ABACAUSA.COM)
Bush smiles after completing a tandem parachute for his 80th birthday on June 13, 2004. (Photo: TODAYshow via Twitter)
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14 Fun Facts About Bush Sr. (Besides His Crazy Socks)
Former President George H.W. Bush rides tandem with Sgt. Michael Elliott of the Army Golden Knights parachute team as he celebrates his 85th birthday with a parachute jump on June 12, 2009, in Kennebunkport, Maine. (Robert F. Bukaty/AP)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
Former President George H.W. Bush, strapped to Sgt. 1st Class Mike Elliott, a retired member of the Army's Golden Knights parachute team, float to the ground during a tandem parachute jump near Bush's summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine, Thursday, June 12, 2014. Bush made the jump, his eighth, in celebration of his 90th birthday. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
 (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Former President George H.W. Bush, strapped to Sgt. 1st Class Mike Elliott, a retired member of the Army's Golden Knights parachute team, prepare to land on the lawn at St. Anne's Episcopal Church while celebrating Bush's 90th birthday in Kennebunkport, Maine, Thursday, June 12, 2014. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
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Photos of the day - June 12, 2014  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/photos-of-the-day-june-12-2014-1402580833-slideshow/
Former President George H.W. Bush 90th Birthday parachute jump
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90-year-old ex-president makes parachute jump | Sandusky Register
Jenna Bush Hager gives her grandfather a big hug before his 90th birthday jump. (Photo: ktro21 via Twitter)
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George H.W. Bush  http://news.yahoo.com/photos/george-h-w-bush-slideshow/
President George H.W. Bush is interviewed for Discovery’s two-part documentary, premiering Wednesday.
Photo: Discovery Channel
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Documentary opens the door to chiefs of staffs past | New York Post
Eric Draper, White House Photo Director and personal photographer for President George W. Bush
Bush family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

George H. W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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