2012年1月28日 星期六

Student protests , Chile, 2011. 學生抗議活動, 智利

(AP Photo/Roberto Candia) 
(AP Photo/Luis Hidalgo)
 (AP Photo/Roberto Candia)
(AP Photo/Sebastian Silva) 
(Reuters/Carlos Vera) 
(Reuters/Victor Ruiz Caballero) 
 (Reuters/Cristobal Saavedra)
(Reuters/Ivan Alvarado)
Student Protests in Chile - Alan Taylor - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/08/student-protests-in-chile/100125/ 
2011 November 12 « Voices from Russia http://02varvara.wordpress.com/2011/11/12/
 (Carlos Vera/Reuters)
 (Victor Ruiz Caballero/Reuters)
(Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
(Victor R. Caivano/AP)
(Victor Ruiz Caballero/Reuters)
(Victor Ruiz Caballero/Reuters)
(Roberto Candia/AP) 
(Eliseo Fernandez/Reuters
Student protests in Chile - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Police uses a water canon against a demonstrator during rioting after a students protest in Santiago. Riot police battled high school and university students in the streets of Chile’s capital, firing water cannons and tear gas and using officers on horseback to break up flaming barricades. (AP) « Day in Photos

