2012年5月15日 星期二

Mona Lee 李蒙

UPI/Kevin Dietsch
 人民网记者 刘方舟 摄
 人民网记者 刘方舟 摄

(May 25, 2011 - Source: Mark Wilson/Getty Images North America)
(May 1, 2009 - Source: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images North America)

Activities 1986-1987 | Miss Asian America Pageant http://missasianamerica.com/photos/2nd/activities-1986-1987/
Precious Children: Creative Team http://www.pbs.org/kcts/preciouschildren/theshow/team.html
HistoryLink.org- the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&File_Id=7830
Mona Lee Photos - Obama And Biden Attend Ceremonial Swearing In Of Sebelius And Locke - Zimbio
(组图)和中国人就是不一样 骆家辉北京当众吻妻 - 万维读者网 http://www.creaders.net/newsViewer.php?nid=481885&id=1083712&aid=16
新任驻华大使骆家辉会见媒体 称来北京很兴奋 (4)--图片频道--人民网 http://pic.people.com.cn/GB/31655/15417014.html
U.S. Commerce Sec. Gary Locke http://www.dconheels.com/2011/06/07/fordstheatre/img_1609/
Barbra Streisand And James Brolin Arrive For The S - Photo 85 | ThirdAge http://www.thirdage.com/news-photo/barbra-streisand-and-james-brolin-arrive-for-the-s/55585

