2012年5月12日 星期六

White tiger , newborn cub , Skazka Zoo , Yalta, Ukraine . 白虎 , 新生幼仔 , skazka動物園

Associated Press
Associated Press
Tiger used in Ukraine PM's political campaign gives up life of politics to raise a family | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2142973/Tiger-used-Ukraine-PMs-political-campaign-gives-life-politics-raise-family.html
tigers - Latest news, videos, and information- msnbc.com http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43800190/ns/us_news-tigers?q=tigers
Tymoshenko's tigress gives birth to 4 cubs | www.kfoxtv.com http://www.kfoxtv.com/ap/ap/top-news/tymoshenkos-tigress-gives-birth-to-4-cubs/nN39N/

