2012年8月27日 星期一

illegal immigrants, Paris suburb. 非法移民, 巴黎郊區.

Saint-Priest: Police clear Roma gypsy camps in France | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2194704/Saint-Priest-Police-clear-Roma-gypsy-camps-France.html?ICO=most_read_module
'He's cleaning up illegal immigrants in his own back yard': French police armed with truncheons and shields clear out Roma camp in Paris suburb where minister who gave the order served as mayor | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2194230/Hes-cleaning-illegal-immigrants-yard-French-police-armed-truncheons-shields-clear-Roma-camp-Paris-suburb-minister-gave-order-served-mayor.html
感謝光臨電腦大玩家6F5  Thank you for visiting ( okok ten times " 1" )  est100 一些攝影(some photos)  http://okok1111111111.blogspot.tw/

