2013年2月21日 星期四

Joe Chen 陳喬恩

于正版《笑傲江湖》陳喬恩東方不敗造型曝光(圖) - 娛樂 - 國際線上 http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27224/2012/04/05/111s3629004_2.htm

Swordsman 2013 - Episode 1-2 First Impressions | Ancient Chinese Series, The Smiling Proud Wanderer http://www.wuxiaedge.com/swordsman-2013-episode-1-and-2-first-impressions/
[Archive]7F - Joe Chen Qiao En (陳喬恩) -Part 5- - AsianFanatics Forum - Page 3.25 http://asianfanatics.net/forum/topic/602705-archive7f-joe-chen-qiao-en-%26%2338515%3B%26%2321932%3B%26%2324681%3B-part-5/page__st__90
Joe Chen to play Princess Iron Fan in 3D "Havoc in Heaven" | CpopAccess http://www.cpopaccess.com/2010/10/joe-chen-to-play-princess-iron-fan-in.html

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