2013年4月26日 星期五

Norman Foster, Architect, British . 诺曼·福斯特/ 諾曼福斯特, 建築師

Norman Foster honoured for his achievements in bridging Europe and the US | News | Foster + Partners http://www.fosterandpartners.com/news/norman-foster-honoured-for-his-achievements-in-bridging-europe-and-the-us/
Norman Foster, Drawings 1958-2008: Exhibition at Ivorypress Madrid, 1-19 September 2009 | News | Foster + Partners http://www.fosterandpartners.com/news/norman-foster-drawings-1958-2008-exhibition-at-ivorypress-madrid-1-19-september-2009/
San Norman Foster I | photo page - everystockphoto http://www.everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=3932189
This Week In New York http://twi-ny.com/blog/tag/anish-kapoor/
Norman Foster Hits the Big Screen | arkinet http://arkinetblog.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/norman-foster-hits-the-big-screen/
null | NewsWhip | http://www.newswhip.com/MoreInfo/The-arty-side-of-Norman-Foster-in-France/40761081

Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Foster,_Baron_Foster_of_Thames_Bank
諾曼·福斯特 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%AF%BA%E6%9B%BC%C2%B7%E7%A6%8F%E6%96%AF%E7%89%B9
Norman Foster - Archiseek.com http://archiseek.com/tag/norman-foster/

30 St Mary Axe,  聖瑪莉艾克斯30號大樓
The 'Gherkin', "小黃瓜"
'Sunrise over the city' - The Gherkin at sunrise.  Picture: Stefan Rousseau / Press Association
Top 10 Towers | VisitBritain Super Blog http://www.visitbritainsuperblog.com/2011/05/top-10-towers/
Aurelien Guichard from London, United Kingdom
30 St Mary Axe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_St_Mary_Axehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_St_Mary_Axe
聖瑪莉艾克斯30號大樓 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
"The 'Gherkin" 這個名稱的由來至少可以追溯到1999年,其所指的是這棟大樓極度非正統(unorthodox)的外觀建構。此外,由於大樓外觀在某種程度上近似於菲勒斯(暗指「陽具」)圖騰的意象,所以也衍生出了其他的一些暱稱如:「性愛小黃瓜」(Erotic Gherkin)、「高聳的諷刺」(Towering Innuendo,挖苦其因為自身缺陷或不足而建構作為補償或安慰)以及「水晶菲勒斯」(Crystal Phallus)等。
Gherkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gherkin

The Sage (Sage Arts Centre,  Sage藝術中心)
The building as looking like a large slug, 建築看起來像是一隻大蛞蝓
500px / Photo "Sage Centre, Newcastle, Norman Foster" by Daniel Kinghorn http://500px.com/photo/21598445
Sage Centre:: OS grid NZ2563 :: Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square! http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/506463
Sage Centre, Newcastle - This is a beautiful building designed by Norman Foster's practice. I was trying out a perspective control lens for a few days and enjoyed seeing the plane of focus emphasise the glass reflections. Ultimately I wish to build a portfolio of city views rendered in unusual ways to emphasise form and line.
Photography - Press & Creative by Dave Cochrane at Coroflot.com http://www.coroflot.com/davecochrane/Photography-Press-n-Creative
Parkour free runner Andrew Vasey silhouetted against skyline as he performs on top of the Sage, Gateshead | Mail Online
The Sage Gateshead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sage_Gateshead
L. E. Adams
Slug - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slug
蛞蝓 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%9B%9E%E8%9D%93

City Hall (London) 市政廳 (大倫敦)
The building as looking like a large  woodlouse , 建築看起來像是一隻大土鱉蟲
Новое здание мэрии by Norman Foster http://gallery.greedykidz.net/macros/Journeys/London-2008/DSC_1985.JPG.html?g2_imageViewsIndex=1
Vietnamese Architect - City hall_11.jpg http://my.opera.com/POM032002/albums/showpic.dml?album=200560&picture=3013211
Window to the World: 倫敦泰晤士河觀光路線建議 http://bookexpress.blogspot.tw/2011/06/blog-post.html
City Hall (London) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_Hall_(London)
市政廳 (大倫敦) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Woodlouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodlouse
香港新浪網 - 字典 - woodlouse
woodlice 〈動〉土鱉,土鱉蟲

感謝您的光臨 "est100 一些攝影", (非營利, 沒刊登廣告) . Thank you for visiting  "est100 some photos" , (non-profit , No Advertising).  ( okok ten times "1" ) http://okok1111111111.blogspot.tw/
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