2013年5月22日 星期三

Storm chaser, 风暴猎人/ 風暴獵人/ 追風者

Storm chaser videographer and photographer Brad Mack records a tornado in South Haven, Kansas, on Sunday. Until the storms of recent days, this is the longest the U.S. has gone into May without registering an EF1 or stronger tornado.
Temperatures, humidity heat up late-starting U.S. tornado season | Toronto Star http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/05/20/temperatures_humidity_heat_up_latestarting_us_tornado_season.html

"The storm sky's like a chorale with thunderous organ music," says tornado chaser Anton Seimon. To get front-row seats, scientists take to the road to intercept storms. To measure wind speeds at close range, Doppler on Wheels (DOW) radar trucks wait for twisters.
Photograph by Carsten Peter
Storm Chasers, DOW Radar, Tornado Pictures - National Geographic http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/wallpaper/doppleronwheels.html
Page Title http://www.loadedgunchasing.com/ChaseTours.html
Boston Storm Chaser Page http://www.bostonstormchaser.com/
风暴猎人拍罕见奇景 龙卷风与彩虹当空共舞(图)_自然地理_科学网 http://nature.kexue.com/2012/0227/21233.html

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