2013年6月19日 星期三

demonstrator, Protester, Protests, marches, Brazil, 示威者, 抗議者, 抗議, 遊行, 巴西

The marches began with a protest in Sao Paulo against a small increase in bus and subway fares about two weeks ago. 
Photo: A demonstrator with the Brazilian flag protests against the Confederation’s Cup and the government of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff in Brasilia June 17, 2013. Protesters are using the Confederation’s Cup as a counterpoint to their concerns. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelin
Reuters http://reuters.tumblr.com/
JUNE 17: Police officers retreat inside the state assembly as protesters, throwing fire bombs and firecrackers, try to invade the building during a protest in Rio de Janeiro. Protesters massed in at least seven Brazilian cities Monday for another round of demonstrations voicing disgruntlement about life in the country, raising questions about security during big events like the current Confederations Cup and a papal visit next month. (Felipe Dana/Associated Press)
JUNE 18: Firefighters work to put out a burning vehicle set on fire by protesters in front of City Hall in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Some of the biggest demonstrations since the end of Brazil's 1964-85 dictatorship have broken out across this continent-sized country, uniting multitudes frustrated by poor transportation, health services, education and security despite a heavy tax burden. (Nelson Antoine/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 06.16 – 06.22 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-06-16-06-22-2013/
Christophe Simon/AFP/Getty
Thousands Protest in Brazil - The Daily Beast http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2013/06/17/thousands-protest-in-brazil.html
Nelson Antoine
A demonstrator holds up a Brazilian flag in front of a group of protestors gathered in the main plaza of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Some of the biggest demonstrations since the end of Brazil's 1964-85 dictatorship have broke out across this continent-sized country, uniting multitudes frustrated by poor transportation, health services, education and security despite a heavy tax burden.
Protesters out again in Brazilian cities - San Francisco Chronicle http://www.sfchronicle.com/news/world/article/Protesters-out-again-in-Brazilian-cities-4608881.php
Photo by: The Associated Press
Protestors burn a Sao Paulo state flag in front of City Hall, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Some of the biggest demonstrations since the end of Brazil's 1964-85 dictatorship have broke out across this continent-sized country, uniting multitudes frustrated by poor transportation, health services, education and security despite a heavy tax burden. -Blatter says protesters shouldn't 'use football' | Boston Herald http://bostonherald.com/sports/revolution_soccer/soccer/2013/06/blatter_says_protesters_shouldnt_use_football
Rita Lobo: A New Day, a New Reason to Protest in Brazil http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/rita-lobo/brazil-new-reason-to-protest_b_3459658.html
Brazil protests: Even Brazil's footballers condemn country's government for spending billions on the World Cup as tens of thousands continue to protest on the streets | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2344509/Brazil-protests-Even-Brazils-footballers-condemn-countrys-government-spending-billions-World-Cup-tens-thousands-continue-protest-streets.html
Protesters gather at the Municipal theater during a march in Rio de Janeiro, on June 17, 2013. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) #
Protesters fill the streets of Rio de Janeiro, on June 17, 2013. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) #
Demonstrators protest against the government of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff outside the National Congress in Brasilia, on June 17, 2013. (Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino) #
Demonstrators clash with riot police in front of Rio de Janeiro's Legislative Assembly (ALERJ) building, on June 17, 2013. (Tasso Marcelo/AFP/Getty Images) #
A demonstrator holds a Brazilian flag in front of a burning barricade during a protest in Rio de Janeiro, on June 17, 2013. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) #
A military policeman removes journalists from near the Rio de Janeiro state legislature, background, during a demonstration in Rio, on June 17, 2013. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano) #
Protests Spread Across Brazil - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/06/protests-spread-across-brazil/100536/
 (AP Photo / Victor R. Caivano)
Clarin.com HD http://clarincomhd.tumblr.com/
Andre Penner/AP
Should Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff Be Worried About the Protests? - The Daily Beast http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/06/19/should-brazil-s-dilma-rousseff-be-worried-about-the-protests.html

巴西爆發20年內最大抗議-國際新聞-新浪新聞中心 http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20130620/9944624.html
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