2013年7月21日 星期日

female baby panda, bottle-fed, at Taipei City Zoo. 雌性熊貓寶寶, 奶瓶餵養, 台北市立動物園

臺北市立動物園 ─ 大貓熊寶寶與無尾熊寶寶之哺乳大不同
Taipei City Zoo/AFP/Getty Images
Taipei Zoo Releases Photos of 3-Week-Old Panda Cub - PawNation http://www.pawnation.com/2013/07/15/taipei-zoo-releases-photos-of-3-week-old-panda-cub/
TAIPEI CITY ZOO / Getty Images
大熊猫"圆圆"台湾产仔 熊猫宝宝打哈欠超萌/组图_大熊猫;台湾;圆圆;产仔;熊猫宝宝;打哈欠;近照;曝光;大陆赠台大熊猫;大熊猫宝宝_中国青年网 http://news.youth.cn/gn/201307/t20130720_3564231.htm
Today's Photos | July 17, 2013 http://www.usnews.com/photos/daily/2013-07-17
A handout photograph shows a female baby panda, born on Saturday, being bottle-fed yesterday at Taipei City Zoo.
Photo: EPA / Taipei City Zoo
Baby panda thriving in Taipei Zoo - Taipei Times
A baby panda is being bottle-fed at the Taipei Zoo | Metro UK http://metro.co.uk/2013/07/09/gallery-window-on-the-world-9th-july-2013-3874608/a-baby-panda-is-being-bottle-fed-at-the-taipei-zoo/
台湾动物园熊猫“圆仔”成长记 耳眼肩已开始变黑---云南信息港新闻频道-- http://news.yninfo.com/tu/201307/t20130717_2097469.html
圓仔喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ Panda Baby Drinking Milk - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlM2cHojfyo
Les animaux de la semaine - Image 10 sur 216 - 20minutes.fr http://www.20minutes.fr/planete/diaporama-2445-photo-742809-animaux-semaine
貓熊圓仔超可愛 天生就會捲舌頭-今日大話新聞-台北市-今日大話新聞-Powered by www.laoy8.net http://www.times-bignews.com/Html/?5214.html
Baby Panda 'Rice Meatball' Pictured In Taipei Zoo  http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/29/baby-panda-rice-meatball-pictured-taipei-zoo_n_3669442.html#slide=2750424
Clarin.com HD http://hd.clarin.com/page/2
貓熊圓仔滿月了 超音波初體驗-今日大話新聞-台北市-今日大話新聞-Powered by www.laoy8.net
AFP/Getty Images
AFP/Getty Images
 AFP/Getty Images
Panda cub pictured relaxing at Taipei City Zoo before meeting her public - Mirror Online
Yuan Yuan and Yuan Zai - who has been in an incubator for safe keeping since her birth (Picture: AFP/Getty)
mother and baby panda (Picture: AFP/Getty)
Panda reunion: Yuan Zai and mother Yuan Yuan have emotional meet after separation in Taipei City Zoo in Taiwan | Metro News
I REALLY REALLY want my mummy... it's the little and large panda reunion in Taipei - World - News - London Evening Standard  http://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/i-really-really-want-my-mummy-its-the-little-and-large-panda-reunion-in-taipei-8756800.html
A new mammal, the olinguito, is discovered in South America
臺北市立動物園 ─ 動物的抱仔移動方式  http://www.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=62190969&ctNode=22735&mp=104031
Yuan Yuan, Yuan Zai(baby panda), Taipei City Zoo. 圓圓, 圓仔(熊貓寶寶), 台北市立動物園
臺北市立動物園 ─ 世上只有媽媽好 http://www.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=62294861&ctNode=22735&mp=104031
臺北市立動物園 ─ 圓仔啾瞇了 http://www.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=62359084&ctNode=22735&mp=104031

臺北市立動物園 ─ 「仿仔」進化「羅伯特」http://www.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=62431991&ctNode=22735&mp=104031
臺北市立動物園 ─ 防颱準備  http://www.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=63002884&ctNode=22735&mp=104031
臺北市立動物園 ─ 無線監聽—圓仔call圓圓  http://www.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=62774870&ctNode=22735&mp=104031
Hah! I got my Mummy back: panda cub is finally reunited with mother Yuan Yuan - World - News - London Evening Standard http://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/hah-i-got-my-mummy-back-panda-cub-is-finally-reunited-with-mother-yuan-yuan-8763023.html
臺北市立動物園 ─ 大貓熊寶寶與無尾熊寶寶之哺乳大不同
臺北市立動物園 ─ 新聞稿

Taipei Zoo http://english.zoo.taipei.gov.tw/
臺北動物園保育網 http://newweb.zoo.gov.tw/
臺北市立動物園 ─ 新聞稿
YA!大貓熊──大貓熊保育網 [新聞與活動]

百變圓仔 Giant Panda Baby Changing Color - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OAJE3a5TeM
貓熊圓仔喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ 透早伸懶腰打哈欠真古椎 - 中時電子報 http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/%E8%B2%93%E7%86%8A%E5%9C%93%E4%BB%94%E5%96%9D%E3%84%8B%E3%84%9F%E3%84%8B%E3%84%9F-%E9%80%8F%E6%97%A9%E4%BC%B8%E6%87%B6%E8%85%B0%E6%89%93%E5%93%88%E6%AC%A0%E7%9C%9F%E5%8F%A4%E6%A4%8E-20130721001309-260401
幕後貓熊人 Groups Behind the Giant Panda Baby - YouTube

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