2013年8月21日 星期三

Flame and Rose, formation wing-walkers. 雙機翼行走

Nine-year-old cousins Rose Powell and Flame Brewer. Photo: Tim Ireland /PA Wire
Nine-year-old girls become world's youngest wing-walkers - ITV News 
Joy of nine-year-old girls as they become world's youngest formation wingwalkers | Mail Online
AUGUST 21: Rose Brewer and Flame Brewer hug each other after they completed their world record wing walk. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images
AUGUST 21: Nine-year-old cousins Rose Brewer and Flame Brewer wing walk over Rendcomb airfield in Cirencester, England, to become the world's youngest formation wing walkers. The two girls were inspired to break the record after reading about the plight of Eli Crossley who suffers from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. (Tim Ireland/Pool)
Pictures of the Week: 08.18 – 08.24 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-08-18-08-24-2013/
Tim Ireland/Getty Images
Cousins Rose Brewer and Flame Brewer, both nine years old, wing walk over Rendcomb airfield in Gloucestershire, UK, to become the world’s youngest formation wing walkers
FT Photo Diary | A blog from the Financial Times http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/
Cousins Rose Powell and Flame Brewer, from London, both nine years old, have been described by Cirencester's AeroSuperBatics team as the youngest formation wing-walkers
BBC News - Wing-walking schoolgirls fly over Gloucestershire for record
Rose and Flame pictured performing mid-air. Credit: Martha Fairlie
Joy of nine-year-old girls as they become world's youngest formation wingwalkers | Mail Online
Nine-year-olds walk on wings - ITV News http://www.itv.com/news/story/2013-08-21/nine-year-old-wing-walkers/

兩名9歲英國女孩雙機翼行走創紀錄 - BBC UK China - 走進英國
兩名9歲的英國女孩成為世界上最年輕的一對雙機翼行走(formation wing-walkers)的特技表演者。
Wing walking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_walking

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