2013年10月16日 星期三

Greenpeace activist, hearing in the court. 綠色和平組織活動家, 法庭聆訊

Photography provided by Greenpeace shows activist Camila Argentina Speziale, 21, during a hearing in the court of the city of Murmansk (Russia), today, Wednesday October 14, 2013. Camila Speziale is one of the activists who participated last month in a protest on the icebreaker "Arctic Sunrise" against oil in the Russian Arctic, and who have been denied freedom on bail. EFE / Dmitri Sharmov / Greenpeace
Clarin.com HD  http://hd.clarin.com/page/7
Dmitri Sharomov/Greenpeace/Reuters
Greenpeace activist Anthony Perrett from Britain attends a bail hearing at a regional court on Wednesday in Murmansk, Russia.
FT Photo Diary | A blog from the Financial Times  http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/
Fotografías facilitadas por Greenpeace hoy, jueves 17 de octubre de 2013, que muestran al activista argentino de Greenpeace Miguel Hernán Orsi, durante una vista celebrada en el tribunal de la ciudad de Múrmansk (Rusia), hoy, jueves 17 de octubre de 2013. Miguel Hernán Orsi es uno de los activistas que participó el mes pasado en una protesta en el rompehielos “Arctic Sunrise” contra la explotación petrolera en el Ártico ruso. EFE/Dmitri Sharmov / Greenpeace / - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/2#sthash.sB0cidKS.dpuf
OCTOBER 18: Greenpeace International activist Faiza Oulahsen of the Netherlands displays a message on her palm during a bail hearing at the Murmansk. Russia has pressed piracy charges against all 30 people, including Oulahsen, arrested after Greenpeace activists aboard their ship Arctic Sunrise staged a protest at an offshore oil platform in the Arctic. Greenpeace has dismissed the piracy charges as absurd and unfounded. (Dmitri Sharomov/Greenpeace)
Pictures of the Week: 10.13 – 10.19 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post  http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-10-13-10-19-2013/

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