2013年12月28日 星期六

Iceland, Google Maps Street View. 冰島, 谷歌地圖街景

Hallgrímskirkja, Reykjavik. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
Interesting locals put on a show for the Google Street View team, in Grindavik. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
Famous waterfall named Skógarfoss. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
Glacier in southern Iceland. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
Rock formations in the Hornafjörður municipality. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
A valley between two tunnels, Northern Iceland. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
North of Siglufjörður. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
Looking down a valley toward Þingeyr. See it mapped. (© Google, Inc.) #
A Virtual Drive Around Iceland - In Focus - The Atlantic  http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/12/a-virtual-drive-around-iceland/100649/

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