2014年1月28日 星期二

"Snow Drawing" , Mountain, canvas. 山, (油畫)畫布

Peter Klaunzer / EPA
Mountain canvas: Artist paints in the snow
A television crew films the artwork "Snow Drawing" by Swiss artist Olaf Breuning in Gstaad, Switzerland, on Saturday. The piece is part of "Elevation 1049 - Between Heaven and Hell," a site-specific exhibition of Swiss artists.
Mountain canvas: Artist paints in the snow - PhotoBlog  http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/01/25/22444000-mountain-canvas-artist-paints-in-the-snow?lite
Photos of the Week (01/26/14) - SouthMilwaukeeNOW  http://www.southmilwaukeenow.com/blogs/communityblogs/242061271.html

n.帆布; 油画(布)
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