2014年3月26日 星期三

Swan, 天鵝

Swans swim on a side canal of the river Alster after they were released from their wintering grounds in Hamburg, northern Germany.
March 25, 2014  http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/march-25-2014-day-in-photos/1879000.html
A mute swan moves across a lake, as it defends the territory around it's nest from other waterfowl, at Kew Gardens in London, Friday, March 28, 2014. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
Photos of the day - March 28, 2014
Los cisnes nadan en un canal lateral del río Alster después de que fueron liberados de sus áreas de invernada en Hamburgo, norte de Alemania. Durante cinco meses permanencen en el Eppendorfer Muehlenteich, un pequeño estanque que se mantiene libre de hielo durante el invierno. Alrededor de 120 animales fueron trasladados a su territorio habitual. (AFP) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/page/10#sthash.IFFFEsTI.dpuf
APRIL 1: A swan swims on a pond on a sunny spring day near Temritz, Germany. (Arno Burgi/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 03.30 — 04.05 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
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