2014年6月24日 星期二

moss man, 苔藓人

In this June 23, 2014 photo, a moss man take part during the Corpus Christi procession in the small village of Bejar, Spain. During Corpus Christi, the Catholic community celebrates the transformation of the body and blood of Christ into the bread and wine that the faithful receive at Communion. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)
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Photos June 23: Top images from around the world | canada.com
This Week in Pictures Photos | Image #7 - ABC News
A man dressed in moss walks towards the beginning of the Moss Men procession as a part of the Corpus Christi procession in the small village of Bejar, Spain, on June 22, 2014. Following the legend of the Moss Men, in the XII Century Christians covered their clothes and weapons with moss as a camouflage to get inside a Muslim Fortress. The tradition of the Moss Men has survived until the present day and is commemorated every year in the procession of the corpus Christi festivity, and according to documentary evidence it has been celebrated in Bejar since 1397. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza) #
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Photos of the Week: 6/21-6/27 - In Focus - The Atlantic

n. 苔藓;泥沼
v. 以苔藓覆盖;使长满苔藓
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