2014年10月15日 星期三

'Living On A Dollar A Day' , documentary. 「一美元過一天」, 紀實

Photograph ©Renée C. Byer
Following the death of his father, Alvaro Kalancha Quispe, 9, helps his family survive by herding. He opens the gate to the stone pen that holds the family's alpacas and llamas each morning so they can graze throughout the hillsides during the day. He then heads off to school, but must round them up again in the evening in the Akamani mountain range of Bolivia in an area called Caluyo, about an hour from the city of Qutapampa. In this part of the world, the highlands of Bolivia, approximately 13,000 feet above sea level, residents live in homes with no insulation, no electricity, and no beds. Their water comes from streams that run off the snow-covered mountains. Their livelihood lies with their animals, for each animal produces about three pounds of fur each year, and each pound of fur is sold for 18 bolivianos, which amounts to about $2.50 U.S. All in all, this family may earn about $200 of income each year from the herd they watch over.  (Photograph ©Renée C. Byer)
(Photograph ©Renée C. Byer)
(Photograph ©Renée C. Byer)
 August 29, 2010. (Photograph ©Renée C. Byer)
The cover of "Living on a Dollar a Day".  (Photograph ©Renée C. Byer)
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'Living On A Dollar A Day' wins IPA's best documentary book for 2014
一次旅行 Bon Voyage - 與「一美元過一天」的家庭相遇...... Living On A Dollar...
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