2015年3月11日 星期三

Slum, London, early-20th-century. 貧民窟, 倫敦, 早期20世紀

A photo entitled 'View In Wapping' in the groundbreaking book. Disguised as a stranded sailor, American journalist London took to the streets of the East End to document the struggles of London's destitute
'The Municipal Dwellings Not Far From Leman Street': 'I stood, yesterday, in a room in one of the “Municipal Dwellings,” not far from Leman Street. If I looked into a dreary future and saw that I would have to live in such a room until I died, I should immediately go down, plump into the Thames, and cut the tenancy short'
Devonshire Place, London' shows a busy street filled with young children in Jack London's book 'People of the Abyss' about life in the East End of London in 1902
A photo titled 'Petticoat market, London' in 'People of the Abyss' book shows the many stalls in Middlesex Street and Wentworth Street selling goods in the 1900s- a market remains in the area to this day
Life in the slums: First-hand account of East End life by author who disguised himself as a stranded sailor reveals 'chronic misery' of London's early-20th-century workhouses | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2988225/Life-slums-hand-account-East-End-life-author-disguised-stranded-sailor-reveals-chronic-misery-London-s-early-20th-century-workhouses.html#ixzz3U4c3gvG1
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