2015年5月25日 星期一

Heatwave, Temperatures of (118F) sweep through India. 熱浪, 118F的溫度席捲印度

Roly poly: A youngster takes a dip on the outskirts of Dimapur. Hundreds of construction workers, the elderly or the homeless have died in the heatwave
India swelters under 118F heatwave that has left more than 500 dead | Daily Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3095904/More-430-dead-India-heatwave.html#ixzz3bC3kUjQM
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Searing temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celcius have seen road surfaces start to melt in New Delhi, distorting the road markings
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3099363/India-s-killer-heatwave-hot-causes-roads-MELT-Death-toll-soars-1-100-people-told-stay-indoors-crisis-continues.html#ixzz3bMHXPEhX
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