2015年5月2日 星期六

Vietnam War, The fall of Saigon. 越南戰爭, 西貢的陷落

U.S. Navy personnel aboard the USS Blue Ridge push a helicopter into the sea off the coast of Vietnam in order to make room for more evacuation flights from Saigon, April 29, 1975. The helicopter had carried Vietnamese people fleeing Saigon as North Vietnamese forces closed in on the capital. (AP Photo)
American citizens arrive aboard the command and control ship USS Blue Ridge after being evacuated out of Saigon, South Vietnam, by U.S. Marine and Air Force helicopters operating from Navy ships, April 29, 1975. (AP Photo/U.S. Navy)
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Vietnam War: The fall of Saigon
The war ended on April 30, 1975, with the fall of Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City, to communist troops from the north.
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The U.S. and Vietnam: 40 Years After the Fall of Saigon - US News
Vietnam War Documentary | SAIGON HAS FALLEN - YouTube
EagleSpeak: The Fall of Vietnam - 40 years Ago and Lessons Learned
People try to scale the 14-foot wall of the U.S. embassy in Saigon, trying to reach evacuation helicopters, as the last of the Americans depart from Vietnam, April 29, 1975. (AP Photo/Neal Ulevich)
South Vietnamese civilians try to scale the walls of the U.S. embassy in Saigon in an attempt to get aboard evacuation flights, April 29, 1975. (AP Photo/Neal Ulevich)
Vietnamese try to scale the high U.S. Embassy wall in desperate attempts to get aboard the evacuation flights in Saigon, May 1, 1975. (AP Photo)
South Vietnamese civilians scale the 14-foot wall of the U.S. embassy in Saigon, trying to reach evacuation helicopters as the last Americans depart from Vietnam, April 29, 1975. (AP Photo)
A U.S. Marine helicopter takes off from helipad on top of the American Embassy in Saigon, Vietnam, April 30, 1975. (AP Photo/Phu)
Trucks and motorbikes, loaded with refugees, roar along the main highway from the old imperial capital of Hue to the port city of Danang about 50 miles south of Hue, March 25, 1975. Hue?s 200,000 inhabitants have been streaming southward since the Saigon government?s decision to abandon the city in the face of a heavy North Vietnamese buildup. (AP Photo)
Two stick-wielding plainclothes policemen fight South Vietnamese Buddhist nuns in Saigon, Sunday, Jan. 26, 1975 during anti government demonstration. Officer (left) warns comrade that nun (background) is about to hit him with sandal. Melee occurred following political convention at pagoda. (AP Photo/Nguyen Tu A)
South Vietnamese Buddhist nun injured in melee between police and about 20 nuns staging demonstration rests on floor at pagoda surrounded by other activist religious in Saigon, Sunday, Jan. 26, 1975. Antigovernment protest and fighting followed political convention. Four nuns were injured, none of them seriously. (AP Photo/Nguyen Tu A)
Young demonstrators toss sticks and rocks at South Vietnamese riot police in Saigon in a brief confrontation after a rally sponsored by the mainly Catholic anti-corruption movement, Thursday, April 4, 1975. (AP Photo/Lo Vinh)
Rock throwing Saigon middle school students charge police during an anti-draft demonstration in Saigon, Thursday, March 27, 1975. The students were angered by changes in the conscription law, lowering the draft age to 17. The change came about due to the increasingly serious military situation. (AP Photo/Lo Vinh)
Saigon youngsters mill around overturned three wheeled minibuses during a demonstration by the vehicles? drivers protesting various economic issues. The protest was one of two which tock place, March 25, 1975 in the South Vietnamese capital Saigon. (AP Photo)
A Saigon student demonstrator hastily flees after a policeman grabbed his antigovernment banner, Thursday, April 9, 1975. About 30 students protested the draft and demanded the ouster of South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. (AP Photo/Dang Van Phuoc )
A Saigon student demonstrator hastily flees after a policeman grabbed his antigovernment banner, Thursday, April 9, 1975. About 30 students protested the draft and demanded the ouster of South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. (AP Photo/Dang Van Phuoc )
Nowhere to go and nothing to do, South Vietnamese refugees from Hue and the northern provinces pause on the dock waiting for the government to relocate them to the central coastal area at Da Nang in Vietnam, March 28, 1975. (AP Photo/Phuoc)
Teeming frightened humanity crowds the decks of the merchant vassal Pioneer Contender as it docks at Cam Ranh Bay on the central coast of South Vietnam, Friday, March 29, 1975. Ship carried 5,600 South Vietnamese refugees and about 40 Americans out of Danang, a refugee crammed city under the gun. (AP Photo/Huynh Cong/Ut)
South Vietnamese refugee deplane at Nha Trang airfield in Vietnam, Thursday, March 27, 1975 following a jet hop from Danang as a U.S. financed airlift, using civilian chartered jets, relocates thousands of former residents of Hue. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
South Vietnamese troops and western TV newsmen run for cover as a North Vietnamese mortar round explodes on Newport Bridge on the outskirts of Saigon, April 28, 1975. (AP Photo/Hoanh)
North Vietnamese troops in the AP Saigon bureau, April 30, 1975, describing their route into the city. From left: Matt Franjola, two North Vietnamese soldiers, Peter Arnett (rear), bureau chief George Esper, and an unidentified AP staffer. (AP Photo)
A youth waves a weapon and a Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG) flag as he joins PRG troops on a jeep on Tu Do street in Saigon, May 4, 1975. (AP Photo/Matt Franjola)
A North Vietnamese tank rolls through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon, signifying the fall of South Vietnam, April 30, 1975. The war ended on April 30, 1975, with the fall of Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City, to communist troops from the north. (AP Photo)
A little girl in a pedicab, and her driver stare as they pass a demonstration of nine anti-war activists before the United States embassy in Saigon, Friday, Jan. 25, 1975. The activists, led by David Harris, left, of Menlo Park, Calif. former husband of folk singer Joan Baez, passed out leaflets demanding the end of U.S. intervention in South Vietnam. (AP Photo)
Opposition deputies stage a 24-hour sit-in hunger strike on the steps of the national assembly to protest what they term "The corrupt, inefficient and oppressive administration" of President Nguyen Van Thieu in Saigon, Feb. 10, 1975. One deputy hoists a placard with defaced photo of Thieu which says: "If Thieu still remains in power, there will still exist war, poverty and starvation. Mr. Thieu must resign." (AP Photo/Ut)
Refugees pass South Vietnamese armored vehicle as they flee from the embattled town of Tri Tam which fell to North Vietnamese troops in Vietnam, Wednesday, March 14, 1975. The town is 40 miles northwest of Saigon. (AP Photo/Phuoc)
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Vietnam War: The fall of Saigon

Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
越南戰爭 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
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