2015年7月1日 星期三

Record-breaking 36C, hottest day in nine years, UK. 破紀錄的36℃, 九年來最熱的一天

Play-time: Two girls jumped into the cool waters at Portishead Open Air Pool as temperatures hit 33C by midday and continue to rise
Keeping her cool: Maria Sharapova of Russia cools down with an ice pack inbetween games against Richel Hogenkamp of the Netherlands
Overheating: One ball boy fainted on the court at Wimbledon today, stopping play for a short time, due to the extremely hot conditions
UK weather sees hottest July 1 as heat nudging 97F already claims one life | Daily Mail Online
Temperatures have reached record-breaking 36C today making it hottest July 1 ever and hottest day in nine years
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3145557/Britain-scorched-hottest-July-1-heat-nudging-97F-claims-one-life-north-faces-thunderstorms-hail-size-5p-coins.html#ixzz3eeuLHPwZ
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