2012年5月11日 星期五

Vietnam War 越南戰爭

(Hubert van Es/AFP/Getty Images)
 (AP Photo)
(AP Photo/jt)
(AP Photo/Cung)
 (AP Photo/Sal Veder)
 (AP Photo)
(AP Photo/Art Greenspon)

(AP Photo)
(AP Photo/J Walter Green)
 (AP Photo/Henri Huet, File) 
 (AP Photo/Kim Ki Sam) 
(AP Photo) 
(AP Photo/Horst Faas) 
(AP Photo/Bill Ingraham) 
(AP Photo/Henri Huet) 
(AP Photo/Henri Huet) 
(AP Photo/Henri Huet, File) 
(AP Photo/USAF) 
(AP Photo) 
(AP Photo) 
(AP Photo/Horst Faas) 
(AP Photo) 
141 fotos sobre la Guerra de Vietnam (según AP) - Taringa! http://www.taringa.net/posts/imagenes/6425702/141-fotos-sobre-la-Guerra-de-Vietnam-_segun-AP_.html
 (AP Photo/Henri Huet) The Associated Press
Source NARA
Photographer: David Hume Kennerly
AP Photo/Nick Ut
AP Photo/Nick Ut
AP Photos/Eddie Adams
Anglonautes > History > 20th century > USA > Vietnam war (1962-1975) http://www.anglonautes.com/hist_us_20_war_viet/hist_us_20_war_viet.htm
- The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/requiem-huet/2012/05/10/gIQAr4x2GU_photo.html

Vietnam, 35 years later
 (US Department of Defense) #
 (AP Photo/Horst Faas) #
(U.S. Marine Corps.) #
 (U.S. Navy/PHC H.L. WISE)#
 (US Department of Defense/Brian K. Grigsby, SPC5) #
 (AP Photo/Henri Huet) #
 (AP Photo) #
 (AP Photo) #
(US Department of Defense) #
(AP Photo/Henri Huet) #
(AP Photo/Henri Huet) #
. (US Department of Defense/SP4 George Gibbons, USA Sp Photo Det, Pac) #
(AP Photo) #
(AP Photo/John Schneider) #
 (AP Photo/Sal Veder) #
 (AP Photo/ Nick Ut) #
 (AP Photo/Neal Ulevich) #
(AP Photo/Horst Faas) #
Vietnam, 35 years later - The Big Picture - Boston.com http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/vietnam_35_years_later.html
(AP Photo/Nick Ut)
(AP Photo)
(AP Photo/KY Mhan)
(AP Photo)
(AP Photo/J. Spencer Jones)
LÀNG NAM (Under Construction): 35th Anniversary http://langnam2.blogspot.com/2010/04/giet-nguoi-hay-tu-sat.html

Vietnam War hero who died saving his comrades receives posthumous Medal of Honor...42-years after his original recommendation was lost | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2145597/Vietnam-War-hero-died-saving-comrades-receives-posthumous-Medal-Honor--42-years-original-recommendation-lost.html
陣亡42年 越戰英雄獲追贈勳章 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/7099052.shtml
Mud, blood and horror: The brutality of the Vietnam War captured in selection of stunning images | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2268602/Mud-blood-horror-The-brutality-Vietnam-War-captured-selection-stunning-images.html

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