2013年4月4日 星期四

Vietnam War, Charlie Haughey. 越南戰爭

The images are the work of Charlie Haughey

Never-before-seen images of the Vietnam War through the eyes of a soldier who hid his photographs for four decades | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2303845/Never-seen-images-Vietnam-War-eyes-soldier-hid-photographs-decades.html
A soldier's eye: rediscovered pictures from Vietnam - The Big Picture - Boston.com http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2013/03/a_soldiers_eye_rediscovered_pi.html
Charlie Haughey is not a combat photographer http://chieu-hoi.tumblr.com/
Военные и полиция.: Фотографии времен Вьетнамской войны от очевидца событий, военнослужащего армии США, Charlie Haughey. http://militaryandpolice.blogspot.tw/2013/03/charlie-haughey.html
Charlie Haughey's Rediscovered Vietnam Photo Collection Agonistica Cult of Photography http://agonistica.com/charlie-haugheys-vietnam-photo-collection/

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