2015年1月5日 星期一

Zhao Ziyang, 趙紫陽

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Zhao Ziyang under house arrest in Beijing in 1994. Photo: Reuters
Zhao Ziyang with his mentor, Deng Xiaoping, at the opening of the party congress in 1987. Photo: Xinhua
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Son of purged reformer Zhao Ziyang tells of China's 'shame', 25 years after Tiananmen | South China Morning Post
Communist Party General Secretary Zhao Ziyang speaks with fasting university students in Beijing's Tiananmen Square early Friday May 19, 1989, to urge them call off their hunger strike. The strike is in its sixth day.
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Hunger strike - Latest news, videos, and information| NBC News
(Photo: HIRES CHIP/GAMMA, Getty Images)
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The game-changing April 26 editorial | http://gbtimes.com/
Zhao Ziyang, 1984.
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Zhao Ziyang -- Kids Encyclopedia | Children's Homework Help | Kids Online Dictionary | Britannica

中央日報網路報-大陸國際 大陸/趙紫陽逝世10週年 中共多次拒絕家屬下葬
Zhao Ziyang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
趙紫陽 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

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