2014年5月6日 星期二

Vatican Swiss Guard, swearing-in ceremony. 梵蒂岡瑞士衛隊, 宣誓儀式

New recruits of the Vatican's elite Swiss Guard stand at attention during the swearing-in ceremony at the Vatican May 6, 2014. The Swiss Guard, founded in 1506, consist of 100 volunteers who must be of Swiss nationality, Catholic, single, at least 174 cm (5.7 ft) tall and without a beard. New recruits are sworn in every year on May 6 to commemorate the day where 147 Swiss soldiers died defending the Pope during an attack on Rome in 1527. (REUTERS/Tony Gentile)
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Photos of the day - May 6, 2014
La ceremonia de juramento, a la que asistieron cardenales, otras autoridades religiosas, civiles y militares y familiares se repite cada 6 de mayo en el patio de San Dámaso y conmemora la defensa de la Guardia Suiza al Papa Clemente VII ante la invasión de Roma. (Reuters) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.ms2oEGXb.dpuf
The Swiss Guards are unmarried men between the ages of 19 and 30.
Secret gay society in Vatican poses security threat for Pope Francis: Ex-Swiss Guard - NY Daily News
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/secret-gay-society-vatican-poses-security-threat-ex-swiss-guard-article-1.1586607#ixzz30yj9sV2X
Tony Gentile/Reuters
Vatican holds swearing in ceremony
New recruits of the Vatican’s elite Swiss Guard attend a swearing in ceremony at the Vatican. The Swiss Guard, founded in 1506, consists of 100 volunteers who must be of Swiss nationality, Catholic, single, at least 174cm (5.7ft) tall and without a beard
FT Photo Diary | The Financial Times picture desk showcases the best images from around the world
La ceremonia de juramento, a la que asistieron cardenales, otras autoridades religiosas, civiles y militares y familiares se repite cada 6 de mayo en el patio de San Dámaso y conmemora la defensa de la Guardia Suiza al Papa Clemente VII ante la invasión de Roma. (Reuters) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.ms2oEGXb.dpuf
La ceremonia de juramento, a la que asistieron cardenales, otras autoridades religiosas, civiles y militares y familiares se repite cada 6 de mayo en el patio de San Dámaso y conmemora la defensa de la Guardia Suiza al Papa Clemente VII ante la invasión de Roma. (Reuters) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.ms2oEGXb.dpuf
La ceremonia de juramento, a la que asistieron cardenales, otras autoridades religiosas, civiles y militares y familiares se repite cada 6 de mayo en el patio de San Dámaso y conmemora la defensa de la Guardia Suiza al Papa Clemente VII ante la invasión de Roma. (Reuters) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.ms2oEGXb.dpuf
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Vatican's Elite Swiss Guard Swears in New Recruits - NBC News.com
Pope Francis poses with the Swiss Guards band. The guards are easy to spot with their distinctive Renaissance-style uniforms.
Secret gay society in Vatican poses security threat for Pope Francis: Ex-Swiss Guard - NY Daily News
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/secret-gay-society-vatican-poses-security-threat-ex-swiss-guard-article-1.1586607#ixzz30ykKDlyO

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