2011年11月18日 星期五

Historical Photographs 歷史照片

Roy C. Andrews photographs

Top 25 Most Ancient Historical Photographs
Justine Smith | House of Mirth and Movies | Page 28 http://houseofmirthandmovies.wordpress.com/author/mrsemmapeel/page/28/
Top Ten Photographers « Captainbeefy's Blog
Tech Post #2 « Ken Calder – Tech114 Blog http://tech114kcalder.wordpress.com/2010/03/25/tech-post-2/
The Art Part: February 2011 http://jonathan-morse.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html
World War 2 Famous Photos | Famous Photographers: World War 2 Famous Photos
History « JesseOKurtz.com http://cityofatlantic.wordpress.com/category/history/
City of Montgomery trying to organize, archive historical documents | al.com
Roy C. Andrews photographs, 1902-1955 http://libweb.uoregon.edu/speccoll/photo/fandrews.html
Picturing the Century: Part II Photo Gallery http://www.archives.gov/press/press-kits/1930-census-photos/photos-2.html
World War II: The Fall of Nazi Germany - Alan Taylor - In Focus - The Atlantic
Tst WW2 and Aviation - Facts, History, and Pictures http://test.acepilots.com/
Photo :: Douglas MacArthur lands Leyte1 http://ww2.wwarii.com/Events/ThePacificWar/Leyte-Invasion/Douglas_MacArthur_lands_Leyte1
New Mexico Office of the State Historian : USS New Mexico
啊长白山 - 万维读者网博客 http://blog.creaders.net/kuangke/user_blog_diary.php?did=20171
ICI C'EST MOI LE CACOU Art & Code by Jordi Rovira — Apart from the beautiful composition of this old... http://www.jordirovira.cat/post/6031672239/kids-bomb-shelter
VCM - Stories http://masterpieces.asemus.museum/stories.aspx?id=ea9ade54-aab9-4f03-b2db-6c86fcfe7c75
Top 25 Most Ancient Historical Photographs http://www.smashinglists.com/top-25-most-ancient-historical-photographs/

Colorizing the Archives of History 歷史檔案上色
Photo colorization by Sanna Dullaway for TIME / Original image by Alexander Gardner / Library of Congress. 1862. Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln, and Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand at Antietam.
Photo colorization by Sanna Dullaway / Original image by Alfred Eisenstaedt—Time&Life Pictures/Getty Images
A jubilant American sailor clutching a pretty white-uniformed nurse in a joyful, back-bending, passionate kiss while thousands jam the Times Square area to celebrate the long awaited victory over Japan.
Photo colorization by Sanna Dullaway / Original image by Baron/Getty Images
Circa 1955. British film director Alfred Hitchcock.
Photo colorization by Sanna Dullaway / Original image by Dorothea Lange / Library of Congress
1932. 32-year-old migrant mother of seven children.
Photo colorization by Sanna Dullaway / Original image by Margaret Bourke-White/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Circa 1937. African American flood victims lining up to get food and clothing from a relief station in front of a billboard ironically proclaiming 'World's Highest Standard of Living — There's No Way Like the American Way.'
Modernized President: Portraits of Abraham Lincoln, In Color - LightBox http://lightbox.time.com/2012/10/25/a-vibrant-past-colorizing-the-archives-of-history/#1

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