2011年11月24日 星期四

Mass Whale Slaughter in Faroe Islands , near the capital Torshavn,Denmark 丹麥

nhabitants of Faroe Islands slaughter pilot whales (Globicephala melaena) during the traditional 'Grindadrap' (whale hunting in Faroese) 
 REUTERS/Andrija Ilic
REUTERS/Andrija Ilic
REUTERS/Andrija Ilic
Mass Whale Slaughter in Faroe Islands Turns Sea Blood Red (PHOTOS) http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/255416/20111124/mass-whale-slaughter-tradition-faroe-islands-turns.htm
REUTERS/Andrija Ilic
Photos of the Day, Nov. 23, 2011 | News | National Post  http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/11/23/photos-of-the-day-nov-23-2011/
Whale Hunting In The Faroe Islands >> TotallyCoolPix http://totallycoolpix.com/2011/11/whale-hunting-in-the-faroe-islands/

