2012年2月13日 星期一

Valentine's Day , Hearts. 情人節

[Google Doodle] 情人節, 2012

Self, from material in my possession.
Boston : L. Prang & Co.1883年
Valentine's Day | Ask.com Encyclopedia http://www.ask.com/wiki/Valentine's_Day 
Valentine's Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine%27s_Day 
情人節 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day
Valentine's Day: Χαρούμενη ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου και στην Google! | Madata.GR
Romantic Valentine's Day Gift Ideas 

Valentine's day hearts wallpapers 2 - Crazy Frankenstein http://crazy-frankenstein.com/valentines-day-hearts-wallpapers-2.html

云雨屋 | 湛蓝天空下,鱼儿和大海的故事… http://ylantte.wordpress.com/

Valentine's Day Events in Los Angeles - Valentine's Day Activities in Los Angeles http://golosangeles.about.com/od/romanticthingstodoinla/tp/Valentines-Day-Events-Los-Angeles.htm 
Little Submarine: Valentine's day - Couples in love http://littlesubmarine.blogspot.com/2011/02/valentines-day-couples-in-love.html
Valentine's Day Swan Desktop by ~Loonatictastic on deviantART http://loonatictastic.deviantart.com/art/Valentine-s-Day-Swan-Desktop-123596415 

YouWall - Lovely Swans Wallpaper - wallpaper,wallpapers,free wallpaper,photo,desktop http://www.youwall.com/index.php?ver=MzcxMA==
Animals in love on Valentine's Day | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2100541/Animals-love-Valentines-Day.html
Valentine's Day Cards - valentines love logo wallpapers 1600x1200 - Free photo, free desktop wallpaper, poscards for free http://free-wallpaperbase.com/show-wallpaper-3380.html

末日情人节_话题-视友网视频微博_用视频@世界! http://t.cuctv.com/k/%E6%9C%AB%E6%97%A5%E6%83%85%E4%BA%BA%E8%8A%82
Best Wallpaper  http://bestwall4u.blogspot.com/  
Blank Valentines Day card - Twitter Background http://www.girlytwitter.com/install.asp?id=5509
National Geographic Magazine @ nationalgeographic.com http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0102/wallpaper.html


情人节#19102 - 情人节 - 缤纷节日 - 时尚创意 - 图库 - 瓦栏
Happy Valentine's Day gift incomparable 1920x1200 Wallpapers 4_High Definition Wallpapers | Widescreen| LCD Desktop Wallpapers http://www.wallpaper1080hd.com/desk/specialFeatured/ValentinesDay/2011/0125/10706.html
Ziggy's Adventures in Wonderland: February 2008 彙整 http://ziggy.bloggerism.net/archives/2008/02/
Heart Wallpapers, Pictures, Photos http://wallpapers.kaiserdealxa.com/2010/05/heart-wallpapers.html

Present with passion; be the Knowshon of presentations. « EJ's Blog http://ejblog.wordpress.com/2007/11/13/present-with-passion-be-the-knowshon-of-presentations/
Faisal Mahmood / Reuters
PhotoBlog - Heart-shaped balloons -- a universal sign of love for Valentine's Day
Jeff Chiu / AP
PhotoBlog - Don't forget your valentine, this penguin didn't
(AP Photo/Wason Wanichakorn)
(Reuters/Samsul Said)
(Photo/Rob Griffith)
 (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)
(Manjunath Kiran/AFP/Getty Images)
Valentine's Day 2012 - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/02/valentines-day-2012/100245/
(Reuters/Lisi Niesner)
Valentine's Day 2012 - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/02/valentines-day-2012/100245/
(Joe Raedle/Getty Images) #
(Toby Talbot/Associated Press) #
(KMChaudary/Associated Press) #
(Gleb Garanich/Reuters) #
Seeing red: Valentine’s Day 2012 - The Big Picture - Boston.com http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2012/02/seeing_red_valentines_day_2012.html
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