2012年6月3日 星期日

Student protests, Chile. 學生抗議活動, 智利。

August 25, 2011. (Victor R. Caivano/AP) #
Santiago on August 18, 2011. (Victor Ruiz Caballero/Reuters) #

Santiago on September 3, 2011. (Roberto Candia/AP) #

August 24, 2011. (Ivan Alvarado/Reuters)
shifting sands of the open desert http://neverdancewiththedevil.tumblr.com/
Student protests in Chile - The Big Picture - Boston.com http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/09/student_protests_in_chile.html
( REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero )
Foto: REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
Foto: REUTERS/Victor Ruiz Caballero
En fotos: Estudiantes chilenos vuelven a protestar en las calles de Santiago http://www.noticias24.com/internacionales/noticia/27979/en-fotos-estudiantes-chilenos-vuelven-a-protestar-en-las-calles-de-santiago/
Riot police use... - Hosed - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com http://www.sun-sentinel.com/features/sfl-hoseds,0,4235631.photo

Φωτ. Carlos Vera/AP.
Φωτ. Luis Hidalgo/AP.
Φωτ. Carlos Vera/Reuters.
Φωτ. Mario Ruiz/EPA.
Φωτ. Victor Ruiz Caballero/Reuters.
Χιλή. Οι φοιτητές στο δρόμο, τα "κανόνια νερόυ" σε δράση, κι ένας μαύρος Λουκάνικος. | MAGIC CIRCUS | LiFO http://www.lifo.gr/lifoland/magic-circus/4190

