2012年7月9日 星期一

Photographer , Camille Seaman. storms , storm clouds , Midwest. 風暴 , 風暴雲 ,  中西部地區 .

(© Camille Seaman) 
(© Camille Seaman) 
In the eye of the storm: Breath-taking pictures of Midwestern cyclones that capture beauty in chaos | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2170412/In-eye-storm-Breath-taking-pictures-Midwestern-cyclones-capture-beauty-chaos.html

(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
(© Camille Seaman)
Lovely Sky Monsters - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/07/lovely-sky-monsters/100336/

