Jimmy Fallon and first lady Michelle Obama dance on the set of "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon." The dance was part of Obama's “Let’s Move†campaign. (Lloyd Bishop/NBC)
Pictures of the Week: 02.17 – 02.23 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-02-17-02-23-2013/
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張貼留言 (Atom)
- Tina Maze, of Slovenia
- chairlift , in the eastern Swiss Alps. 纜車, 瑞士東部阿爾...
- Egret 白鷺
- Island of Askold
- Romanian gypsy ghetto 羅馬尼亞吉普賽貧民窟
- International Garden Photographer of the Year, fi...
- sand storm 沙塵暴
- Francois Duvalier, exile 流亡
- Van Cliburn 范克萊本
- Mourning, in Kalantra village, north of Srinagar....
- mobile world congress 2013, in Barcelona, Spain. ...
- Rafael Nadal 納達爾
- South Korean rapper, PSY , (박재상), 韓國說唱歌手 PSY
- Park Geun-hye, (박근혜), 朴槿惠
- Michael Dell, Founder and chairman of Dell compute...
- Caroline Wozniacki
- Sea Shepherd vessel, Bob Barker 海洋守護船
- Pope Benedict XVI, final Sunday blessing. 教宗本篤十六世,...
- Vina del Mar International Song Festival, in Chile...
- Mali Conflict Enters New Phase 馬里衝突進入新階段
- Chuck Hagel, 哈格爾/ 黑格
- Child, 兒童
- volunteer, Shanty, slum, fire, in Dhaka, Bangla...
- 19th annual Lake Worth Street Painting Festival 第...
- Cecil Hotel 塞西爾酒店
- Rosa Parks 羅莎
- John Kerry, 克里/ 凱瑞
- An employee, in a panda costume. 一名僱員, 穿著熊貓服裝
- Home Worker, working remotely, Telecommuting, SOHO...
- Beppe Grillo 葛里洛
- Mural, Street Painting, Graffiti, Doodle. 壁畫, 街頭繪畫...
- Fan Bingbing 范冰冰
- Quvenzhané Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild 南方野獸樂園
- George Clooney, Stacy Keibler
- Oscars 2013 奧斯卡2013年
- Anne Hathaway 安海瑟薇
- Jennifer Lawrence 珍妮佛勞倫斯
- Ang Lee 李安
- Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway 珍妮佛勞倫斯, 安海瑟薇.
- Pier Luigi Bersani 貝沙尼
- wildlife, landscape , British Columbia in Canada...
- Ronda Rousey , Mixed martial arts. 隆達-羅西, 混合武術/ 綜合格鬥
- Obama, Yingluck Shinawatra, 歐巴馬, 盈拉
- Oscars 2013, Red Carpet. 奧斯卡2013年, 紅地毯.
- vendor, stack of hats , in Kolkata. 小販, 堆疊的帽子, 加...
- Pashupatinath Temple, Nepal. 尼泊爾
- Spanish bullfighter 西班牙鬥牛士
- Dance 舞蹈
- Female North Korean traffic police officers 北韓女性交通警察
- bride 新娘
- Spanish apprentice bullfighter 西班牙見習鬥牛士
- Cloud Gate Dance Theater 雲門舞集
- Lin Hwai-min 林懷民
- Lantern Festival, 2013. 元宵節
- Jimmy Fallon , first lady Michelle Obama, dance. 跳舞
- Baseball 棒球
- Female Marines 女性海軍陸戰隊員
- National Margarita Day, every year on Feb 22. 瑪格麗塔...
- Martha Heredia
- Barn Owl, United Kingdom. 倉鴞, 英國.
- Luge 無舵雪橇
- Giant goldfish, Lake Tahoe. 巨型金魚, 太浩湖.
- Apple Inc 蘋果公司
- Oscar Pistorius 皮斯托瑞斯
- danielle coughlin, high school wrestling champ, Ma...
- "Spring Breakers", "春假 "
- selena,gomez 賽琳娜·戈梅茲/ 席琳娜戈梅茲
- Rachel Korine, Vanessa Hudgens, Harmony Korine, Se...
- Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta
- Vanessa Hudgens 凡妮莎哈金斯
- 'Desert Air', George Steinmetz, paraglider. 滑翔傘
- rescues, torrential rainstorm, Greek capital. 救援, ...
- weaver birds, gigantic nests. 織布鳥, 巨大的巢穴.
- densely populated, urban slums, Hong Kong. 人口稠密,...
- Cara Delevingne 卡拉迪瓦伊
- Prince Harry, 哈利王子
- Cressida Bonas 波納斯
- Dany Boon 丹尼·伯恩
- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (L), Freida Pinto (C) , ...
- Jungle Exercises 叢林演習
- Sky lanterns, Lantern Festival, in Pingxi, New Ta...
- lanterns, at Nasr Square, 燈籠
- Helena Mattsson 海伦娜·马特森/ 海倫娜·馬特森
- Vatican 梵蒂岡
- panda, panda breeding center, Chengdu, China. 熊貓, ...
- skier 滑雪者
- Cloud Gate Dance Theater, rehearsal, in Taipei, ...
- Qualifying race, Track Cycling World Championship...
- kitten 小貓
- Google Glass, Google 眼鏡
- fairy tales 童話故事
- Edward Gorey 高栗
- Joe Chen 陳喬恩
- Edward Gorey, illustrations, 爱德华/ 高栗, 插畫
- Sergey Brin, Google co-founder, 谷歌共同創辦人
- Hello Kitty
- Mount Etna, volcano, eruption, lava, Sicily, 埃特納火山...
- camel , heavy snowfall , 駱駝, 大雪
- Laura Chinchilla, Costa Rica, 欽奇利亞, 哥斯大黎加
- Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico. 涅托/ 尼托, 墨西哥