2013年3月27日 星期三

Amanda Knox 諾克斯

REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi
REUTERS/Anthony Bolante
Why Amanda Knox Is Completely Innocent And The Italian Justice System Is Criminally Insane - Business Insider http://www.businessinsider.com/why-amanda-knox-is-completely-innocent-and-the-italian-justice-system-is-criminally-insane-2013-3
Amanda Knox (Reuters)
Amanda Knox May Face Re-Trial for Meredith Kercher Murder - IBTimes UK http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/449667/20130324/amanda-knox-meredith-kercher.htm

© Pietro Crocchioni/DPA

Alessandro Bianchi - Latest news, videos, and information- NBCNews.com http://www.nbcnews.com/id/35106821/?q=Alessandro%20Bianchi
Erneuter Prozessauftakt in Italien: Gericht urteilt über Amanda Knox - Lifestyle | STERN.DE Mobile http://mobil.stern.de/lifestyle/leute/erneuter-prozessauftakt-in-italien-gericht-urteilt-ueber-amanda-knox-1989217.html
LOOK: Key Moments In Amanda Knox Trial http://www.twylah.com/HuffingtonPost/tweets/316753990224330752
[#Translate:TITLE#] http://www.ersanews.com/germany/?act=view&section=News

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