Unrest continues in Turkey as Istanbul protests go into second day - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_23368940/unrest-continues-turkey-istanbul-protests-go-into-second
Riot police use tear gas to disperse the crowd during an anti-government protest in Istanbul June 1, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called for an immediate end on Saturday to the fiercest anti-government demonstrations for years, as thousands of protesters clashed with riot police in Istanbul and Ankara for a second day. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Riot police shield themselves from stones thrown by protesters during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul June 1, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called for an immediate end on Saturday to the fiercest anti-government demonstrations for years, as thousands of protesters clashed with riot police in Istanbul and Ankara for a second day. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Riot police use tear gas to disperse the crowd during an anti-government protest in Istanbul June 1, 2013. Turkish police fired teargas and water cannon for a second day on Saturday to prevent hundreds of protesters reaching Istanbul's central Taksim Square, scene of violent protests in which hundreds were injured on Friday. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
View photo - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/riot-police-stand-guard-during-anti-capitalism-blockupy-photo-125239510.html
Government Cracks Down On Angry Protesters In Turkey, Injuring ~1,000 | Business Insider Australia
Riot police use tear gas to disperse the crowd during an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in central Istanbul
Source: Reuters
A protester with a Guy Fawkes mask clashes with riot police during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul
Source: Reuters
Protesters clash with riot police during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul
Source: Reuters
A protester prepares to throw a stone at riot police during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul
Source: Reuters
A protester throws a stone at riot police during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul
Source: Reuters
Turkey: Anti-Government Protests Rock Istanbul [PHOTOS] http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/473525/20130601/turkey-protests-istanbul-reccep-erdogan-taksim-square.htm
Turkey Protests: Clashes Between Activists And Police Continue Into Second Day (VIDEO, PICTURES) http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/06/01/turkey-protests-clashes-b_n_3370704.html?utm_hp_ref=uk
A man helps an injured woman as riot police use tear gas and pressurized water to quash a peaceful demonstration by hundreds of people staging a sit-in protest to try and prevent the demolition of trees at an Istanbul park, Turkey, Friday, May 31, 2013. A number of protesters were injured. Police moved in at dawn Friday to disperse the crowd on the fourth day of the protest against a contentious government plan to revamp Istanbul’s main square, Taksim. The protesters are demanding that the square’s park, Gezi, is protected.(AP Photo) (Credit: AP)
Turkish police break up Istanbul park protest - Salon.com http://www.salon.com/2013/05/31/turkish_police_break_up_istanbul_park_protest/singleton/
A demonstrator reacts as riot police use water cannon to disperse the crowd during a protest in Taksim Square in central Istanbul, Turkey, against the destruction of trees brought about by a pedestrian project in a park. - Image credit: Reuters
Photos from around the globe 5/31/2013 - JSOnline http://www.jsonline.com/multimedia/photos/209733731.html
A Turkish riot policeman uses tear gas as people protest against the destruction of trees in a park brought about by a pedestrian project, in Taksim Square in central Istanbul May 28, 2013.
Police Casually Deploy Tear Gas And Water Cannons As Istanbul Protests Spread | Business Insider Australia http://au.businessinsider.com/turkey-police-clash-with-gezi-park-protesters-2013-5
A Turkish riot policeman sprays tear gas as people protest against the destruction of trees in a park brought about by a pedestrian project, in Taksim Square in central Istanbul, on May 28, 2013. (Reuters/Osman Orsal) #
Turkey protests: Why picking a fight with a water cannon is not a good idea as Istanbul protester is hurled to the ground | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2334284/Turkey-protests-Why-picking-fight-water-cannon-good-idea-Istanbul-protester-hurled-ground.html
Ozan Kose/AFP
Masked police officers take cover behind shields during clashes at a May Day demonstration in Istanbul. Several people were injured on Wednesday as Turkish riot police used water canon and teargas to disperse hundreds of protesters who defied a May Day ban on demonstrations in a central part of Istanbul, Turkey.
police | FT Photo Diary http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/tag/police/
Manifestations en Turquie: 79 blessés et plus de 900 interpellations (PHOTOS) http://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/06/01/turquie-manifestations-interpellations_n_3371722.html
A young Turkish woman gestures in front of a water cannon spraying her in Istanbul, Turkey.
Mass protests in Istanbul’s Taksim Square enter second day | Toronto Star http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/06/01/turkish_police_retreat_from_istanbul_square_allow_thousands_of_antigovernment_protesters_in.html
REUTERS/Umit Bektas. Reuters http://reuters.tumblr.com/
Riot police clashing with protesters in Istanbul on Saturday (photo credit: AP)
anti-government protests turned the city center into a battlefield. A second day of national protests over a violent police raid of an anti-development sit-in in Taksim square has revealed the depths of anger against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who many Turks view as increasingly authoritarian and dismissive of opposing views. (Associated Press)
Turkish protesters clash with riot police at Istanbul's Taksim Square on Saturday, June 1, 2013. Turkish police retreated from the square on Saturday, removing barricades and allowing in thousands of protesters in a move to calm tensions after furious anti-government protests turned the city center into a battlefield. AP
Turkish protesters clash with riot police at the city's main Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, June 1, 2013. (AP Photo)
Istanbul - Protesters Swarm Istanbul Square After Clashes; Police Detain 900 -- VosIzNeias.com http://www.vosizneias.com/132209/2013/06/01/2212-istanbul-turkish-police-detained-939-people-in-protests/
Pictures of the Week: 05.26 – 06.01 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-05-26-06-01-2013/
Protesters flood Istanbul Square - Story - World - 3 News http://www.3news.co.nz/Protesters-flood-Istanbul-Square/tabid/417/articleID/299973/Default.aspx
Turkish protesters face riot police on June 1, 2013, during a protest against the demolition of Taksim Gezi Park in Taksim Square in Istanbul. Police began pulling out of the city's iconic Taksim Square, the scene of a second day of violent clashes between protesters and police over a controversial development project. Bulent Kilic, AFP/Getty Images
Turkish police, protesters clash over park demolition http://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/world/2013/06/01/turkish-police-protesters-clash-over-park-demolition/2380609/
Turkish protests shift away from Taksim as clashes enter third day | The Times of Israel
Occupy Istanbul Erupts in Violence (PHOTOS) - The Daily Beast http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/05/31/occupy-istanbul-errupts-in-violence-photos.html
A security officer is seen as they clash with protesters at the city's main Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, June 1, 2013. Turkish police retreated from a main Istanbul square Saturday, removing barricades and allowing in thousands of protesters in a move to calm tensions after furious anti-government protests turned the city center into a battlefield. A second day of national protests over a violent police raid of an anti-development sit-in in Taksim square has revealed the depths of anger against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who many Turks view as increasingly authoritarian and dismissive of opposing views.(AP Photo)
A protester stands atop of a destroyed car during a rally at the Taskim square in Istanbul early Sunday, June 2, 2013. Public anger has flared among urban and secular Turks after police violently broke up an anti-development sit-in in the landmark Taksim Square, with protests spreading to dozens of other cities as demonstrators denounced what they see as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian style.
A protester tries to hang a small Turkish flag on the statue of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey, during a rally at the Taskim square in Istanbul early Sunday, June 2, 2013. Public anger has flared among urban and secular Turks after police violently broke up an anti-development sit-in in the landmark Taksim Square, with protests spreading to dozens of other cities as demonstrators denounced what they see as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian style. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Turkish youths shout " Tayyip, resign! " in Ankara, Turkey, Saturday, June 1, 2013. Turkish police retreated from a main Istanbul square Saturday, removing barricades and allowing in thousands of protesters in a move to calm tensions after furious anti-government protests turned the city center into a battlefield. A second day of national protests over a violent police raid of an anti-development sit-in in Taksim square has revealed the depths of anger against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who many Turks view as increasingly authoritarian and dismissive of opposing views.(AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
| View photo - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/protester-stands-atop-destroyed-car-during-rally-taskim-photo-073053165.html
Riot police use pepper gas to disperse demonstrators protesting against the cutting down of trees in the centre of Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey.
police | FT Photo Diary http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/tag/police/
Riot police use tear gas to disperse the a during an anti-government protest in Taksim Square in central Istanbul, Turkey, on May 31, 2013. Turkish police fired tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators, wounding scores of people and prompting rallies in other cities in the fiercest anti-government protests for years. (Reuters/Murad Sezer)
A Turkish riot policeman sprays tear gas as people protest against the destruction of trees in a park brought in Taksim Square in Istanbul, on May 28, 2013. (Reuters/Osman Orsal) #
Protesters clash with Turkish riot policemen on May 31, 2013 during a protest against the demolition of the Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul. (Gurcan Ozturk/AFP/Getty Images) #
Riot police use tear gas to disperse the crowd during anti-government protests in Taksim Square in central Istanbul on May 31, 2013
Photo by Murad Sezer/Reuters
Protesters clash with Turkish riot policemen during a demonstration against the demolition of Taksim Gezi Park on May 31, 2013
Photo by Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images
Riot police use tear gas to disperse protesters during an anti-government demonstration at Taksim square on June 1, 2013
Photo by Murad Sezer/Reuters
Turkey protest photos: Police and protesters clash during demonstrations. - Slate Magazine http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/photography/2013/06/turkey_protest_photos_police_and_protesters_clash_during_demonstrations.html
Tear gas spreads among demonstrators in Taksim square, on June 1, 2013. (Reuters/Murad Sezer) #
Tear gas surrounds a protester holding a Turkish flag with a portrait of the founder of modern Turkey Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as he takes part in a demonstration in support of protests in Istanbul and against the Turkish Prime Minister and his ruling Justice and Development Party, in Ankara, on June 1, 2013. (Adem Altan/AFP/Getty Images) #
A woman runs past riot police hiding behind their shields during clashes with demonstrators protesting against Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party in central Ankara, on June 1, 2013. (Reuters/Umit Bektas) #
Riot police use tear gas to disperse a crowd during an anti-government protest in Istanbul, on June 1, 2013. (Reuters/Murad Sezer) #
A street vendor sells umbrellas in front of destroyed police cars in Taskim square in Istanbul, early on Sunday, June 2, 2013. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) #
Protesters gather for the third day of nationwide anti-government protest at the Taskim square in Istanbul, on Sunday, June 2, 2013. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis) #
In Turkey: Days of Anti-Government Protests and Harsh Crackdowns - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/06/in-turkey-days-of-anti-government-protests-and-harsh-crackdowns/100525/
Turkish riot police protect themselves with their shields during clashes with protesters as they protest against Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling AK Party in central Ankara June 2, 2013. Erdogan accused Turkey's main secular opposition party on Sunday of stirring a wave of anti-government protests, as tens of thousands regrouped in Istanbul and Ankara after a lull and trouble flared again in the capital. Police used tear gas on protesters in Ankara but the clashes were relatively minor compared with major violence in Turkey's biggest cities on the previous two days. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
A demonstrator waves Turkey's national flag as he sits on a monument during a protest against Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling AK Party in central Ankara June 2, 2013. Erdogan accused Turkey's main secular opposition party on Sunday of stirring a wave of anti-government protests, as tens of thousands regrouped in Istanbul and Ankara after a lull and trouble flared again in the capital. Police used tear gas on protesters in Ankara but the clashes were relatively minor compared with major violence in Turkey's biggest cities on the previous two days. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Turkey's PM Erdogan and his ruling AKP in central Ankara | View photo - Yahoo! News India http://in.news.yahoo.com/lightbox/demonstrator-wears-gas-mask-made-plastic-water-bottle-photo-182552652.html
Anti-government protesters clash with riot police near Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan's office in Istanbul on June 2, 2013
Photo by Murad Sezer/Reuters
Turkey protest photos: Police and protesters clash during demonstrations. - Slate Magazine http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/photography/2013/06/turkey_protest_photos_police_and_protesters_clash_during_demonstrations.html
Anti-government protesters behind barricades and on an excavator clash with riot police as they try to march to the office of Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan (Reuters)
Turkey: PM Erdogan Blames 'Extremist Fringe' and Social Media for Unrest [VIDEO] - IBTimes UK http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/473920/20130603/turkey-pm-erdogan-blames-extremist-fringe-social.htm
In pictures: Anti-government protests held in Turkey - London | Frrole http://frrole.com/o/in-pictures-anti-government-protests-he-indyworld-london
An anti-government protester holds Turkey's national flag with a portrait of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey, on it during a demostration in Ankara. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
Thousands take to streets on third day of Turkey protests | Otago Daily Times Online News : Otago, South Island, New Zealand & International News http://www.odt.co.nz/news/world/259551/thousands-take-streets-third-day-turkey-protests
The World Today - News & Current Affairs Radio http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/
High school students hold up a Turkish national flag during a protest on June 3 at Gezi Park on Taksim Square in Istanbul. Thanassis Stavrakis, AP
Turkish police, protesters clash over park demolition http://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/world/2013/06/01/turkish-police-protesters-clash-over-park-demolition/2380609/
High school students chant slogans during a protest at Gezi park, Taksim square in Istanbul, Monday, June 3, 2013. The demonstrations that grew out of anger over excessive police force have spiraled into Turkey's biggest anti-government demonstrations in years, challenging Prime Minister's Recep Tayyip Erdogan power. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
A woman passes next to a graffiti with a police helmet as the blue words reading ''Turk independence'' at Taksim Square in Istanbul, Monday, June 3, 2013. The demonstrations that grew out of anger over excessive police force have spiraled into Turkey's biggest anti-government demonstrations in years, challenging Prime Minister's Recep Tayyip Erdogan power. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
High school students chant slogans during a protest at Gezi park, Taksim square in Istanbul, Monday, June 3, 2013. The demonstrations that grew out of anger over excessive police force have spiraled into Turkey's biggest anti-government demonstrations in years, challenging Prime Minister's Recep Tayyip Erdogan power. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
A man cleans graffiti reading ''Resign'' from a storefront on Istiklal Street, Istanbul's main shopping strip, Monday, June 3, 2013. The demonstrations that grew out of anger over excessive police force have spiraled into Turkey's biggest anti-government demonstrations in years, challenging Prime Minister's Recep Tayyip Erdogan power. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Turkish PM, president clash over reply to protests | www.wsbtv.com http://www.wsbtv.com/news/ap/top-news/violence-flares-on-4th-day-of-turkish-protests/nX9Nn/
A riot police officer fires tear gas at protesters during a demonstration in Ankara June 3, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused anti-government protesters on Monday of walking "arm-in-arm with terrorism", remarks that could further inflame public anger after three days of some of the most violent riots in decades. Hundreds of police and protesters have been injured since Friday in the riots, which began with a demonstration to halt construction in a park in an Istanbul square and grew into mass protests against what opponents call Erdogan's authoritarianism. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
View photo - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/riot-police-officer-fires-tear-gas-protesters-during-photo-144919194.html
JUNE 3: Protesters clash with police near the offices of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul. A government plan to convert Istanbul's Taksim Square, historically a place of public gathering, into a replica Ottoman-era army barracks and shopping mall has drawn public outrage and sparked protests. (Ed Ou/The New York Times)
Pictures of the Week: 06.02 – 06.08 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-06-02-06-08-2013/
Demonstrators stand in front of a make shift shield during clashes with Turkish riot police in central Ankara June 2, 2013. Erdogan accused Turkey's main secular opposition party on Sunday of stirring a wave of anti-government protests, as tens of thousands regrouped in Istanbul and Ankara after a lull and trouble flared again in the capital. Police used tear gas on protesters in Ankara but the clashes were relatively minor compared with major violence in Turkey's biggest cities on the previous two days. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
Anti-government protesters clash with riot police in Istanbul on June 3, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan accused anti-government protesters on Monday of walking "arm-in-arm with terrorism," remarks that could further inflame public anger after three days of some of the most violent riots in decades.
Photo by Stoyan Nenov/Reuters
Photo by Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images
Turkey protest photos: Police and protesters clash during demonstrations. - Slate Magazine http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/photography/2013/06/turkey_protest_photos_police_and_protesters_clash_during_demonstrations.html
Riot police use tear gas to disperse the crowd during an anti-government protest in Istanbul June 3, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused anti-government protesters on Monday of walking "arm-in-arm with terrorism", remarks that could further inflame public anger after three days of some of the most violent riots in decades. Hundreds of police and protesters have been injured since Friday in the riots, which began with a demonstration to halt construction in a park in an Istanbul square and grew into mass protests against what opponents call Erdogan's authoritarianism. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Anti-government protesters stand on a barricade during an anti-government protest in Istanbul June 3, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused anti-government protesters on Monday of walking "arm-in-arm with terrorism", remarks that could further inflame public anger after three days of some of the most violent riots in decades. Hundreds of police and protesters have been injured since Friday in the riots, which began with a demonstration to halt construction in a park in an Istanbul square and grew into mass protests against what opponents call Erdogan's authoritarianism. REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Clashes in Turkey - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/clashes-in-turkey-1370017200-slideshow/riot-police-tear-gas-disperse-crowd-during-anti-photo-205614037.html
Anti-government protesters run away from a burning container in Istanbul’s Taksim Square on June 4, 2013. It was not clear why the container was on fire. Pockets of protesters clashed with Turkish riot police overnight and a union federation began a two-day strike on Tuesday as anti-government demonstrations in which two people have died stretched into a fifth day. (Yannis Behrakis/Reuters)
A Besiktas soccer fan uses his team’s scarf as a mask while sitting in a damaged bus at Taksim Square in central Istanbul June 4, 2013. Days of anti-government protest in Turkey have achieved one feat that has eluded the authorities for years: uniting the fiercely rival and sometimes violent supporters of Istanbul’s “Big Three” football clubs. Besiktas, Galatasaray and Fenerbahce fans have come together in newfound solidarity during five days of demonstrations against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan’s government. (Murad Sezer/Reuters)
Clashes continue between protestors, riot police in Turkey http://darkroom.baltimoresun.com/2013/06/clashes-continue-between-protestors-riot-police-in-turkey/#2
People shout slogans during a demonstration in support of the Turkish people, at the place du Luxembourg near the EU Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, 04 June 2013. The death toll in anti-government protests in Turkey rose to two ahead of a two day-strike planned by a trade union confederation to support the demonstrations. The protests began on 31 May, when the police forcibly removed several hundred environmentalists who tried to stop a construction project in a park on the edge of Istanbul's Taksim Square. EPA/JULIEN WARNAND
Ankara - Turkey's Street Protests Get Personal; Erdogan Looks Vulnerable -- VosIzNeias.com http://www.vosizneias.com/132479/2013/06/04/ankara-turkeys-street-protests-get-personal-erdogan-looks-vulnerable/feed/atom/
Protesters stand on the roof of Ataturk Cultural center during a protest at Taksim square in Istanbul, Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Thousands have joined anti-government rallies across Turkey since Friday, when police launched a pre-dawn raid against a peaceful sit-in protesting plans to uproot trees in Istanbul's main Taksim Square. Since then, the demonstrations by mostly secular-minded Turks have spiraled into Turkey's biggest anti-government disturbances in years, and have spread to many of the biggest cities. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)
Turkish gov't offers apology as protests continue | www.whiotv.com http://www.whiotv.com/ap/ap/international/turkish-govt-offers-apology-as-protests-continue/pstCH/
JUNE 4: Protesters light torches in Taksim Square. The protests began initially over the fate of Taksim Gezi Park, one of the last significant green spaces in the center of the city. (Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)
Pictures of the Week: 06.02 – 06.08 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-06-02-06-08-2013/
Anti-government protesters are reflected on the windows of a building as they gather for a rally in Ankara June 5, 2013.
Turkey - Latest news, videos, and information- NBCNews.com http://www.nbcnews.com/id/33096705/ns/world_news-turkey?q=Turkey
Anti-government protesters gather for a rally in Ankara June 5, 2013.
Turkey - Latest news, videos, and information- NBCNews.com http://www.nbcnews.com/id/33096705/ns/world_news-turkey?q=Turkey
A protester escapes from the action in a treed area, moving slowly due to difficulty breathing in a mask. (© Barbaros Kayan) #
Anti-government protesters demonstrate in Taksim Square, on June 5, 2013. (Uriel Sinai/Getty Images) #
A protester gestures towards riot police after they fired tear gas in front of a barricade in Istanbul, on June 4, 2013. (Reuters/Stoyan Nenov) #
Protestors clash with Turkish riot policemen in Istanbul, on June 3, 2013. (Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images) #
A Week of Furious Protest in Turkey - In Focus - The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/06/a-week-of-furious-protest-in-turkey/100529/
Turkey Premier Says Protests Will Not Stop Demolition Plans | Noticebrd | International and US news | Business | Tech | Entertainment | Sport | NY Traffic http://www.noticebrd.com/latest/turkey-premier-says-protests-will-not-stop-demolition-plans
Bulent Kilic/Reuters
Protesters clash with Turkish riot policemen on the way to Taksim Square in Istanbul on Wednesday, as part of ongoing protests against the ruling party, police brutality and the destruction of Taksim park for a development project. Turkey’s Islamic-rooted government has apologised to injured protesters and said it had ‘learnt its lesson’ after days of mass street demonstrations that have posed the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decade in office.
Europe | FT Photo Diary http://blogs.ft.com/photo-diary/category/europe/page/2/
Anti-government protesters are pictured behind a banner as they march during a demonstration in Ankara June 5, 2013. A Turkish protest group demanded on Wednesday that the government abandon plans to redevelop an Istanbul park and that it sack governors and police chiefs the group holds responsible for violence during days of clashes across Turkey. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
An anti-government protester is pictured with a helmet, shield and baton seized from riot police, in Ankara June 5, 2013. A Turkish protest group demanded on Wednesday that the government abandon plans to redevelop an Istanbul park and that it sack governors and police chiefs the group holds responsible for violence during days of clashes across Turkey. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
A riot police fires plastic bullets against anti-government protesters during a demonstration in Ankara June 5, 2013. Turkish demonstrators demanded the sacking of police chiefs on Wednesday over a fierce crackdown on days of unprecedented protest against what they see as Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's authoritarian rule. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
Anti-government protesters affected by tear gas help each other as riot police disperse them during a protest in Ankara June 5, 2013. Turkish demonstrators demanded the sacking of police chiefs on Wednesday over a fierce crackdown on days of unprecedented protest against what they see as Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's authoritarian rule. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
An anti-government protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask walks past a burnt public bus used as a barricade, at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 5, 2013. A Turkish protest group demanded on Wednesday that the government abandon plans to redevelop an Istanbul park and that it sack governors and police chiefs the group holds responsible for violence during days of clashes across Turkey. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis
Protesters rest near their tents at Gezi Park near Taksim Square in Istanbul | 'Woman in red' becomes symbol of Turkey protests - Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/woman-in-red-becomes-symbol-of-turkey-protests-1370593376-slideshow/anti-government-protester-walks-past-burnt-public-bus-photo-131900937.html
www.sitemason.com/element/dp9xm0q/list/redirect/EN http://www.sitemason.com/element/dp9xm0q/list/redirect/EN
Day in Pictures http://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/2013/06/04/day-in-pictures/1410095/
Photo: REUTERS/Osman Orsal
Reuters http://reuters.tumblr.com/
Clashes: riot police in Taksim Square, Istanbul
JUNE 11: Taksim Square is flooded by tear gas as clashes between protesters and riot police continue into the night in Istanbul. (Vadim Ghirda/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 06.09 – 06.15 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-06-09-06-15-2013/
In Istanbul, Clashes Resume Between Police And Protesters | NCPR News from NPR http://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/npr/190613885/in-istanbul-clashes-resume-between-police-and-protesters
Taksim Square clashes continue throughout the night as Turkey faces crisis - World - News - London Evening Standard http://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/taksim-square-clashes-continue-throughout-the-night-as-turkey-faces-crisis-8654827.html
Talking Turkey … and Greece | MacroScope http://blogs.reuters.com/macroscope/2013/06/12/talking-turkey-and-greece/
June 11 Photo Brief: A soldier faints, zebras blend, a child goes splash and the world seems angry, protests in Turkey, Britain, Kenya, Russia and Brazil http://darkroom.baltimoresun.com/2013/06/june-11-photo-brief-a-soldier-faints-zebras-blend-a-child-goes-splash-and-the-world-seems-angry-protests-in-turkey-britain-kenya-russia-and-brazil/#12
土耳其抗議民眾無視總理警告衝突繼續 - BBC中文網 - 國際 http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/world/2013/06/130612_turkey_protest.shtml
土耳其反政府抗議示威升級 股市大跌 - BBC中文網 - 國際 http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/world/2013/06/130603_turkish_protest_stocks.shtml
土耳其總理:警察有「過激反應」 - BBC中文網 - 國際 http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/world/2013/06/130602_turkey_protest_damage.shtml
土國反政府示威 警射催淚瓦斯 - Yahoo!奇摩新聞 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%9C%9F%E5%9C%8B%E5%8F%8D%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E7%A4%BA%E5%A8%81-%E8%AD%A6%E5%B0%84%E5%82%AC%E6%B7%9A%E7%93%A6%E6%96%AF-065122309.html;_ylt=An1ntTV0j7n34u_FUpqcCPiVBdF_;_ylu=X3oDMTRmNGlidGhuBG1pdANTZWN0aW9uTGlzdCBGUCBXb3JsZCBNRARwa2cDNmQxNDI1MWItNGUxZC0zY2ZkLTkyZjctNjU2OGZhMjZmOGViBHBvcwMzBHNlYwNNZWRpYUJMaXN0TWl4ZWRMUENBVGVtcAR2ZXIDMzM0ZWQ4MTEtY2E5MS0xMWUyLWIzZWYtYjE4NjM0MGMxYzNk;_ylg=X3oDMTFxZmE5djNsBGludGwDdHcEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LXR3BHBzdGFpZAMEcHN0Y2F0A.aWsOiBnummlumggQRwdANwbWg-;_ylv=3
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