2013年6月20日 星期四

iPads, LA schools. 洛杉磯學校

Apple iPad (Reuters)
iPads for all in LA schools - Story - Technology - 3 News http://www.3news.co.nz/iPads-for-all-in-LA-schools/tabid/412/articleID/302133/Default.aspx
The second-largest school district in the nation is set to spend $30 million on iPads. (Cultura/Igore /Getty)
LAUSD Set to Spend $30 Million on iPads for Students - ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/News/lausd-set-spend-30-million-ipads-students/story?id=19439963#.UcMmGDtIiaQ

洛杉磯中小學 iPad取代課本 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR6/7975747.shtml
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