What Happened In Bradley Manning Trial - Business Insider
U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is escorted by military police as arrives to hear the verdict in his military trial July 30, 2013, at Fort George G. Meade, Md. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Bradley Manning Verdict Could Intimidate Future Whistleblowers
U.S. soldier Bradley Manning in WikiLeaks case has been found not guilty of aiding the enemy, but found guilty of most of 21 criminal accounts. Photo: REUTERS/Gary Cameron
Bradley Manning Found Not Guilty of Aiding Enemy -- Daily Intelligencer
Bradley Manning Found Guilty Of 19 Counts, Not Guilty Of Aiding The Enemy
Private First Class Bradley Manning, 25, is escorted out of court at Fort Meade, Maryland. (July 29, 2013)
U.S. soldier Bradley Manning awaits verdict in WikiLeaks espionage court-martial | Toronto Star
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News
FORT MEADE, MD - JULY 25: U.S. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning (2nd L) is escorted by military police as he leaves after the first day of closing arguments in his military trial July 25, 2013 Fort George G. Meade, Maryland. Manning, who is charged with aiding the enemy and wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the internet, is accused of sending hundreds of thousands of classified Iraq and Afghanistan war logs and more than 250,000 diplomatic cables to the website WikiLeaks while he was working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad in 2009 and 2010.
Former Oklahoman Bradley Manning to learn his fate today |
Bradley Manning was found not guilty of aiding the enemy but convicted of wrongfully causing intelligence to be published on the internet.
Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted of espionage, theft and computer fraud | Toronto Star
Bradley Manning is a 'hero', says Wikileaks founder Julian Assange - Wales Online
In this July 30, 2013, photo, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is escorted out of a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md. Few Americans in living memory have emerged from obscurity to become such polarizing public figures _ admired by many around the world, fiercely denigrated by many in his homeland. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
MANNING31.jpg - Washington Times
Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is escorted out of a courthouse in Fort Meade, Maryland, after he was acquitted of aiding the enemy -- the most serious charge he faced --€” but was convicted of espionage, theft and nearly every other count for giving secrets to WikiLeaks, a verdict that could see him spend the rest of his life in prison. (Patrick Semansky/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 07.28 – 08.03 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
Patrick Semansky/Associated Press
Loner Sought a Refuge, and Ended Up in War -
SOFREP | THE Special Operations Forces Situation Report
洩密者曼寧被判“通敵罪”不成立- 紐約時報中文網國際縱覽
美兵曼寧犯間諜罪 刑期最重136年 | 美國新聞 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網
【快訊】洩密給維基美大兵曼寧協助敵人罪不成立 | 即時新聞 | 20130731 | 蘋果日報
中國評論新聞:美軍士兵曼寧洩密案將宣判 最高或判無期
曼寧案歷史性恐怖判決 「深喉嚨」恐禁聲 | 國際新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網
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張貼留言 (Atom)
- Sam Simon, 'The Simpsons' Co-Creator. 薩姆·西蒙, 《辛普森...
- Gabby Douglas 道格拉斯
- TIME Magazine Cover: The Informers 時代雜誌封面:告密
- Information security 資訊安全
- Chinese dragon 龍
- "Tai Chi O", "太極1從零開始"
- Angelababy 楊穎
- Baltimore Orioles first baseman Chris Davis 巴爾的摩金鶯...
- Barnaby Jack 巴納比·傑克
- Wei-Yin Chen 陳偉殷
- Wei-Yin Chen, starting pitcher, July 30, 2013 in B...
- Mammal 哺乳動物
- Army special forces, Peru. 陸軍特種部隊, 秘魯
- crude oil leaked from a pipeline, in Koh Samet, Th...
- Bradley Manning, Not Guilty Of Aiding The Enemy. 曼...
- Veterinarian, Red Panda cub. 獸醫, 小熊貓幼仔
- Revelers, parade, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 狂歡者, 遊行
- Shi'ite pilgrims 什葉派朝聖者
- replica, Terracotta Warrior. 複製品, 兵馬俑
- climate change refugees 氣候變遷難民
- outdoor escalator, on the hillside, in Columbia 戶...
- JFK, John F. Kennedy 约翰·肯尼迪/ 約翰·甘迺迪
- Jon Huntsman 洪博培
- Abby Huntsman, host. 艾比, 主持人
- Arnold Schwarzenegger 阿诺·施瓦辛格/ 阿諾·史瓦辛格
- Katherine Schwarzenegger 凱瑟琳史瓦辛格
- Chia-Jen Lo 羅嘉仁
- Vivian Hsu 徐若瑄
- Saving Mother Robot 瑪德2號
- Mini Yang 楊冪
- inflatable Sumo Suits, charity fun run. 充氣相撲服, 慈善...
- Pope Francis, unorthodox press conference, they sh...
- International Tiger Day, Sumatran tigers. 全球老虎日, 蘇...
- Orthodox believers, in Minsk. 東正教徒信徒, 明斯克
- campaign rally, in Harare, Zimbabwe. 競選集會, 哈拉雷, 津巴...
- Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, “World War Z”. 安吉莉娜...
- Cold Eyes (감시자들), 监视/ 監視者們
- Mahmoud Abbas 阿巴斯
- Katy Perry 凱蒂佩芮
- The Smurfs 2, 蓝精灵2/ 藍色小精靈2
- Carissa Yip 凱瑞莎‧葉
- Picasso 畢卡索
- Lincoln Memorial 林肯紀念堂
- David Ortiz, Big Papi. 歐提茲, 老爹
- SNSD, tiffany, Sunny, Taeyeon, Girls Generation, ...
- self-made aircraft, Red Bull Flugtag Russia 2013 c...
- parkour 跑酷
- Tall Ships, in Riga, Latvia. 高桅帆船, 里加, 拉脫維亞
- Indigenous headdress 原住民頭飾
- pilgrim 朝聖者
- Pope Francis, in Brazil, 教宗 弗朗西斯/ 方濟各/ 方濟, 巴西
- long-time exposed photo 長時間暴光照片
- Marisa Miller 瑪莉莎·米勒
- R.I.P.D. 冥界警局/ 降魔戰警
- Hugh Jackman 休·傑克曼
- anti-eviction activist 反遷移活動家
- Germany's Anna Bader, Cliff Diving. 懸崖跳水
- windy day, Kabul. 大風天, 喀布爾
- Nuns, sunbathers, on the beach. 修女, 日光浴者, 沙灘
- Grasshopper 蚱蜢
- anti-government protester, demanding democracy, in...
- Morsi supporters, hospital. 穆爾西的支持者, 醫院
- 60th armistice anniversary, in Pyongyang. 60週年停戰紀念...
- "Burka Avenger" cartoon series, "Burka復仇者"卡通系列
- Greenland's glaciers 格陵蘭島冰川
- Senegalese photographers 塞內加爾攝影師
- Adorable polar bear cubs 可愛的小北極熊
- Shimon Peres 裴瑞斯
- Sarah 王予柔
- Emi Takei 武井咲
- Tao Okamoto 岡本多緒
- Rila Fukushima 福島麗拉
- Svetlana Khodchenkova (Светлана Ходченкова) 蘇維娜‧肯特諾娃
- The Wolverine (金鋼狼:武士之戰)
- A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez, 艾力士·羅德里奎茲)
- Mark Buehrle 馬克·伯爾利
- Richard Nixon, Beijing's Forbidden City. 尼克松/ 尼克森,...
- Spanning the Adriatic 跨越亞得里亞海
- Pussy Riot 暴動小貓
- Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Pussy Riot punk singer, fe...
- Maria Alyokhina, Pussy Riot punk singer. 艾廖希娜, 暴動小...
- Wu Minxia, Shi Tingmao, FINA Swimming World Champi...
- He Zi, FINA Swimming World Championships in Barcel...
- Paddle boarders 立式單槳衝浪手
- Emma Stone 艾瑪·史東
- anti-corruption protesters, Bulgarian lawmakers tr...
- Jewish immigrants from North America, at Ben Gurio...
- Filipino protesters, Philippine Congress, Philipp...
- Portrait, Hanoi's street barbers. 肖像, 河內的街頭理髮師
- Dan McManus and his service dog Shadow, Glider. 滑翔機
- Taiwanese Coast Guards rescued three Filipino fish...
- Palestinian man, 巴勒斯坦男子
- Anti-wind turbine groups, stop wind scam, in Sim...
- rental kayaks 出租皮艇
- Leipzig 1813, panoramic picture 1813年萊比錫, 全景照片
- Bund, financial district of Pudong, in downtown ...
- Sun's surface, NASA. 太陽表面
- "Fashion Victims", performance art, Yolanda Domín...
- Montparnasse derailment, Paris, 1895. 1895年巴黎蒙帕納斯車...
- in 1962, 1962年