2013年8月11日 星期日

headgear, headdress. 帽類/ 頭冠, 編梳的頭飾

 a headgear, 頭冠
Jianan Yu—Reuters
Aug. 2, 2013. A woman wearing a dress and a headgear inspired by traditional Chinese costume poses for pictures in Lijiang, Yunnan province.
Pictures of the Week: August 2 – August 9 - LightBox http://lightbox.time.com/2013/08/09/pictures-of-the-week-august-2-august-9/#17

indigenous headdress. 原住民頭飾
Pope Francis wears an indigenous headdress given to him by Ubirai Matos from the Pataxo tribe after the pontiff spoke at Rio's Municipal Theater. (L'Osservatore Romano)
Pope Francis is a rock star in Brazil | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/life-style/religion/pope-francis-is-a-rock-star-in-brazil/

bird-cage head dress, 鳥籠頭飾
Marina Ripa di Meana wears a bird-cage head dress as she arrives for the screening of the opening film 'Gravity' at the 70th edition of the Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy.
August 29, 2013 http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/1739511.html

n. 頭飾,帽子
n. 飾頭巾,頭髮編梳的式樣

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