2013年8月8日 星期四

helicopter, fishing trawler, it capsized off, the coast of Rapa island in French Polynesia. 直升機, 拖網漁船, 傾覆

Zun Yang 26
French Navy via AFP - Getty Images
Sailors equipped with survival gear were found holding on to the boat as it lay on its side sinking.
French Navy via AFP - Getty Images
Sailors equipped with survival gear were found holding on to the boat as it lay on its side sinking.
A helicopter hovers over a sinking Chinese fishing vessel at sea off the coast of French Polynesia. At least four sailors have died missing after a Chinese fishing trawler sunk off the coast of Rapa island in French Polynesia, officials said. (Getty Images)
August 7 Photo Brief: Panda on ice, piano in the park, Argentine gas explosion, Thai protests

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