2013年8月25日 星期日

Notting Hill Carnival, 2013. 諾丁丘嘉年華

Notting Hill Carnival 2013 | Notting Hill Carnival | London Carnival 2013
Notting Hill Carnival 2013 – Outfit & Costume Ideas (Vogue.com UK)

Don't rain on our parade! Notting Hill Carnival kicks off as the sun comes out for 1million revellers at Europe's biggest street party | Mail Online  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2401715/Dont-rain-parade-Notting-Hill-Carnival-kicks-sun-comes-1million-revellers-Europes-biggest-street-party.html
Notting Hill Carnival 2013: How To Get The Most Out Of The August Bank Holiday Weekend
Notting Hill Carnival explodes into life for second day as dancers hit the streets of West London watched by hundreds of thousands of revellers | Mail Online

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