2013年8月25日 星期日

Steve Jobs Schools, iPad. 賈伯斯學校

Dutch 'Steve Jobs Schools', 荷蘭賈伯斯學校
Michael Kooren/Reuters
Michael Kooren/Reuters
Michael Kooren/Reuters
Michael Kooren/Reuters
Michael Kooren/Reuters
Michael Kooren/Reuters
Steve Jobs Schools Revolutionize Education iPad - Business Insider
A student practises math on his iPad at the Steve Jobs school in Sneek August 21, 2013. The Steve Jobs schools in the Netherlands are founded by the O4NT (Education For A New Time) organisation, which provides the children with iPads to help them learn with a more interactive experience. MICHAEL KOOREN/REUTERS
Children play outside the Steve Jobs school in Sneek. MICHAEL KOOREN/REUTERS
The Steve Jobs School In The Netherlands >> TotallyCoolPix

荷蘭賈伯斯學校開學 兒童教育新實驗 http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=444901

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