employee of Starbucks, Swiss rail, in Zurich. 星巴克僱員, 瑞士鐵路, 蘇黎世
An employee of Starbucks holds a cup of coffee at a new Starbucks store on a train of Swiss rail operator SBB in Zurich. The world's largest coffee chain Starbucks presented its first double-deck store on a SBB Intercity train travelling between the Swiss cities of St. Gallen and Geneva, Nov. 14, 2013.November 15, 2013 http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/day-in-photos-november-15-2013/1791124.html
Every Employee 每一位員工
Every Employee is Now a Buyer of Collaboration Softwarehttp://www.thefutureworkplace.com/employee-buyer-collaboration-software/
Employee 職員
Mercedes-Benz Dealer Serving Arlington County Employee Login | Mercedes-Benz Dealership Serving Washington DC http://www.mercedesalexandria.com/employee-website-login.htm
Employee Engagement Starts With Employees. 員工敬業度從員工開始
Employee Engagement Starts With Employees: Five Things Employees Must Do | Damarquehttp://www.damarque.com/nl/blog/gianluigi-cuccureddu/employee-engagement-starts-employees-five-things-employees-must-do
4 Essentials of Employee Engagement. 員工敬業度4個要點
4 Essentials of Employee Engagement http://www.therainmakergroupinc.com/human-capital-strategy-blog/bid/108458/4-Essentials-of-Employee-Engagement
White House staff 白宮工作人員
Jason Reed/ReutersWhite House staff and press board the rear steps of Air Force One on a foggy morning in Seattle. US president Barack Obama is attending fundraisers and events on the economy and immigration in Los Angeles and San Francisco on Monday
FT Photo Diary | The Financial Times picture desk showcases the best images from around the world
Staff team 工作人員小組
Luxurycare staff team | Luxurycare | Residential and Nursing Homes,Poole,Bournemouth,Dorsethttp://www.luxurycare.co.uk/careers/leader/
Santa Claus costume, Aquarium Staff. 聖誕老人演出服, 水族館職員
An aquarium staff member dressed in a Santa Claus costume embraces a Zebra shark as he swims with fish inside the Sunshine International Aquarium in Tokyo. (Shizuo Kambayashi/Associated Press)Pictures of the Week: 12.08 – 12.14 2013 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2013/potw/pictures-of-the-week-12-08-12-14-2013/
Staff Directory 職員名冊
Image - StaffDirectory.jpg - Eden World Builder Wiki http://edenworldbuilder.wikia.com/wiki/File:StaffDirectory.jpgemployee_沪江小D英语翻译
n. 职员,员工,受雇人员
Employee Engagement员工敬业度_互动百科
员工敬业度(Employee Engagement)指的是员工在情感和知识方面对企业的一种承诺和投入
n. 职员;管理人员;参谋
n.参谋; 全体职员; (大、中、小学的)管理人员; 权杖
staff team_海词词典
雇员;全体职员:employee vs. staff 英语词汇网 - 专业的英语单词词汇学习网站
employee与staff的区别十分明显。employee是雇员之意,staff指全体职员.是由多个工作人员构成的小组。复数形式five staffs不是5个而是指职员组成的5个不同的小组。
感謝您的光臨 "est100 一些攝影", (非營利, 沒刊登廣告) . Thank you for visiting "est100 some photos" , (non-profit , No Advertising). ( okok ten times "1" ) http://okok1111111111.blogspot.tw/
est100 一些攝影 4 (非營利, 沒刊登廣告) 健康, 知識. est100 some photos - 4 Health, Knowledge (non-profit , No Advertising) http://okok987654321.blogspot.tw/