2013年11月4日 星期一

“Seated Woman with Red Hat,” Pablo Picasso, Raymond Loewy. 畢卡索, 雷蒙德羅維/ 雷蒙德·洛威

(AP Photo/courtesy Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science, Michael Wheatley)
A World of Words - Atheist Universe  http://atheistuniverse.net/group/aworldofwords?commentId=6381005%3AComment%3A288024&xg_source=activity
Indiana museum discovers glass Picasso piece | www.krmg.com http://www.krmg.com/ap/ap/entertainment/indiana-museum-discovers-glass-picasso-piece/nRC32/
Lost Picasso 'Seated Woman with Red Hat' found after 50 years in STORAGE of Indiana's Evansville Museum | Mail Online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2190150/Lost-Picasso-Seated-Woman-Red-Hat-50-years-STORAGE-Indianas-Evansville-Museum.html
Pablo Picasso and his family with “Seated Woman with Red Hat” (“Femme assise au chapeau rouge”)
Image courtesy of the Hagley Museum and Library
Raymond Loewy with “Seated Woman with Red Hat” (“Femme assise au chapeau rouge”)
Image courtesy of the Hagley Museum and Library © Roy Stevens
Picasso | Evansville Museum :: Arts • History • Science  http://www.emuseum.org/picasso

博物館不識貨畢卡索真跡當贗品吃灰 | 即時新聞 | 20120818 | 蘋果日報

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