2014年1月9日 星期四

A man disguised as Batman. 男子扮成蝙蝠俠

Children play around a man disguised as Batman at the Favela do Metro slum, area just near the Maracana stadium, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Families living in this shantytown within a stone's throw of Rio 's mythical Maracana stadium refuse to have their homes demolished as part of a project to renovate the district before the FIFA World Cup circus pitches camp in June.
January 9, 2014  http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/january-9-2014-day-in-photos/1826770.html
 (AFP / YASUYOSHI CHIBA) - See more at: http://hd.clarin.com/#sthash.ZrDAfdru.dpuf
Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP
Children play around a man dressed as Batman in the Favela do Metro shantytown, near the Maracanã stadium, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Families living in this area refuse to have their homes demolished as part of a project to renovate the district before the Fifa World Cup begins in June.
FT Photo Diary | The Financial Times picture desk showcases the best images from around the world

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