2014年2月20日 星期四

A Somali woman carries her belongings, clashes between militants and pro-government troops. 索马里/ 索馬利亞婦女帶著她的財物, 武裝分子和親政府軍之間衝突

A Somali woman carries her belongings as she flees from the Heliwa district in the north of the capital Mogadishu, Somalia. Residents in Mogadishu said that hundreds of families were fleeing the capital after a spike in the number of clashes between militants and pro-government troops.
February 20, 2014  http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/february-20-2014/1855791.html
Somalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
索馬利亞 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
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