2014年2月17日 星期一

selfie, a speech on climate change, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. 自拍, 氣候變遷的演講, 美國國務卿约翰.克里/ 凱瑞

Climate change threatens Indonesians’ way of life: John Kerry | The Raw Story
Secretary of State John Kerry takes a selfie with a group of students before delivering a speech on climate change in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. 16, 2017.
February 17, 2014  http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/day-in-photos-february-17-2014/1853171.html
Trending SBS News  http://australia.isidewith.com/news/s=ns:284890914;p:2;ta:4
New pressure on Australia-Indonesia ties | SBS News  http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2014/02/17/new-pressure-australia-indonesia-ties
Secretary of State John Kerry takes a selfie with a group of students before delivering a speech on climate change Sunday in Jakarta. | AP
Kerry mocks those who deny climate change | The Japan Times  http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/02/17/world/kerry-mocks-those-who-deny-climate-change/#.UwL8VmKSyaQ

Secretary of State John Kerry gestures during a speech on climate change on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014, in Jakarta. Kerry called for a "global solution" for climate change in the first of several speeches he will deliver this year on the topic. Photo: Evan Vucci, AP
John Kerry mocks those who deny climate change - SFGate
Ông Kerry kêu gọi 'quyết tâm chính trị' chống biến đổi khí hậu

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