2014年2月20日 星期四

asylum seeker, fence. 尋求庇護者, 圍欄

Oliver Weiken/EPA
Inmates of the Holot detention centre stand at the fence of the facility during a protest on the outside. Several asylum seekers came from Tel Aviv to demonstrate against the opening of Holot and Israel‘s refusal to grant them refugee status.
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Asylum seekers take part in a day of protest at the Holot detention centre in the southern Negev desert of Israel. More than 50,000 African migrants are seeking asylum in Israel
Source: Getty
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asylum seeker的中文翻译,asylum seeker中文是什么意思 - n词酷在线词典
asylum seeker
1. 寻求政治庇护的移民
2. 名词 寻求庇护的人,指试图在国外得到庇护的人
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