2014年2月23日 星期日

Jammu and Kashmir government employees, scuffle, detain, in Srinagar. 查謨和克什米爾政府僱員 扭打, 扣留

Jammu and Kashmir government employees scuffle with policemen.
Indian police detained dozens of government employees.
FEBRUARY 22: Jammu and Kashmir government employees scuffle with policemen during a protest in Srinagar. Indian police detained dozens of government employees demanding payment of arrears in salaries and raising of the retirement age, among other demands. (Dar Yasin/Associated Press)
FEBRUARY 22: A Jammu and Kashmir government employee shouts slogans from a police van after being detained during the protest in Srinagar. (Dar Yasin/Associated Press)
Pictures of the Week: 02.16 — 02.22 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post
Photos of the day - February 22, 2014
Arrested Kashmiri state government employees shout anti-government slogans while crammed inside a police truck in Srinagar. Indian police detained dozens of government employees as they tried to stage a protest march demanding the regularisation of contractual jobs and an increase in salary.
February 22, 2014  http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/february-22-2014-day-in-photos/1857184.html
n.扭打,混战; 拖脚行走,拖步; 拖着脚走的声音
vi.扭打,混战; 拖脚行走
v. 扣留,扣押;耽搁,留住,阻留
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