2014年2月18日 星期二

Violent clashes, in Kiev. 暴力衝突, 基輔

Interior Ministry members are on fire, caused by molotov cocktails hurled by anti-government protesters, as they stand guard during clashes in Kyiv. Several thousand anti-government protesters clashed with police near Ukraine's parliament, torching vehicles and hurling stones in the worst violence to rock the capital in more than three weeks.
Sergei Supinsky/AFP

Protesters clash with riot police in downtown Kiev, Ukraine. A least three protesters were killed in the clashes, opposition activists say. Violence erupted after anti-government protesters broke through a police cordon in front of parliament. They marched towards parliament to demand constitutional reforms that would curb the powers of President Viktor Yanukovych
Vlad Sodel/Reuters
Police catch fire as they stand guard during clashes with anti-government protesters in Kiev, Ukraine. Several thousand protesters clashed with police near the Ukrainian parliament after being stopped from marching to the building in a move to keep up pressure on President Viktor Yanukovich. After being blocked by a line of trucks about 100 metres short of the building, protesters hurled stones at police, a Reuters witness said.
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Fiery Battleground: Protests Flare Up in Kiev - NBC News.com
angry anti-government protesters clashed with police in a new eruption of violence following maneuvering by Russia and the European Union to gain influence over this former Soviet republic. (Efrem Lukatsky/Associated Press)
FEBRUARY 18: Police clash with anti-government protesters outside Ukraine's parliament in Kiev. (Efrem Lukatsky/Associated Press
Pictures of the Week: 02.16 — 02.22 2014 | CLIK/HEAR | Multimedia, photography, video showcase of The Palm Beach Post  http://clikhear.palmbeachpost.com/2014/potw/pictures-of-the-week-02-16-%E2%80%94-02-22-2014/
At least five protesters have died as thousands of anti-government protesters clashed with police near Ukraine's parliament in Kiev today, it has been reported
Ukrainian protesters hit with tear gas and stun grenades in clashes with police in Kiev | Mail Online
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2561895/Protesters-clash-police-Ukraines-capital.html#ixzz2ti7Yr1J2
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Interior Ministry members are set alight as they stand guard during clashes with anti-government protesters in Kiev
Source: Reuters
Anti-government protesters throw Molotov cocktails as they attack an office of the pro-presidential Party of the Regions
Source: Reuters
Protesters throw Molotov cocktails at an office of the pro-presidential Party of the Regions
Source: Reuters
Protesters throw stones during clashes with police in Kiev
Source: Reuters
Anti-government protesters cheer as they attack an office of the pro-presidential Party of the Regions
Source: Reuters
Interior ministry members take cover during clashes with anti-government protesters
Source: Reuters
Interior Ministry members clash with anti-government protesters
Source: Reuters
Interior ministry members aim their weapons during clashes with anti-government protesters in a street near the parliament
Source: Reuters
A woman carries stones during clashes between anti-government protesters and Interior Ministry members
Source: Reuters
A protester throws stones as a vehicle burns in Kiev
Source: Reuters
Fire rages around Interior Ministry members after Molotov cocktails were hurled by anti-government protesters
Source: Reuters
A boy wearing makeshift protective gear walks past a burning truck
Source: Reuters
Dramatic Photos of Deadly Clashes Between Police and Protesters in Ukraine

Getty Images
Getty Images
15 Pictures Of Fresh Violence As Kiev Descends Into Chaos Again
Violent Protests Flare In Kiev After New Maneuvers By Russia And EU
Ukrainian protesters hit with tear gas and stun grenades in clashes with police in Kiev | Mail Online
Thousands of angry anti-government demonstrators clashed with police outside Ukraine's parliament on Tuesday leaving four dead. A deadline of 6 p.m. has been set for protesters to stop confrontations or authorities say they will restore order. (Feb. 18)
Deadly violence returns to Ukrainian capital after amnesty fails - latimes.com
烏克蘭示威者與警方衝突至少7人死亡 - BBC中文網 - 國際
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